Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 9 months ago

Maybe Microsoft and Nintendo should take some blame for not stepping up and offering to distribute the game for there Consoles….?

Where they to know about Atari's situation?

by batman2

15 years, 9 months ago

Like I originally said we are still not aware of the full facts as to whats going on.

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

Maybe Microsoft and Nintendo should take some blame for not stepping up and offering to distribute the game for there Consoles….?

This is really getting old.

Please check your 360 bashing, and bashing Microsoft because of the 360 at the door.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

I still think that since Namco is taking over Atari's spot there, they should be allowed to continue to publish, on time as well.

by chriz

15 years, 9 months ago

Jonathan Archer;143055
I still think that since Namco is taking over Atari's spot there, they should be allowed to continue to publish, on time as well.

The link Rodie posted said
Distribution Partners is expected to handle Namco Bandai’s product sales in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Asia, and will be headed up by John Galloway, previously of Take Two, THQ and EA. Distribution Partners will also handle Atari-produced titles outside of the US until 2014, which includes Ghostbusters: The Video Game, on non-Sony platforms, in June

So there seems to be hope Namco will

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

Hopefully thats not all you guys have to go on there though, hopefully something more offical concering the non-Playstation PAL games and Namco will be confirmed in the upcoming days.

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 9 months ago

So they delayed the Game Again!?????

I thought it was coming out for PS2, PS3 and other systems this June??

If this game has been delayed again, I will have officially lost all hopes in them ever doing anything with Ghostbusters what so ever!!

by batman2

15 years, 9 months ago

This is really getting old.

Please check your 360 bashing, and bashing Microsoft because of the 360 at the door.

Erm just sounding of some theories rather than the actual true PS bashing that was near the begining of the thread.

If it was Atari who pulled out of Europe and let everyone down then it can't be Sony's fault can it…?

I did also mention Nintendo or did you simply just want to see what you wanted to see…?

Sorry if it did sounds like Microsoft bashing, but most people here seem to of made there minds up that Sony are to blame and I just wanted to point out that we do not have the full facts.

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 9 months ago

Ha! Well, He see's what he wants to see, I agree

But could someone please answer my question, have they delayed the game from coming out next month or just for ONLY the X-box

Erm just sounding of some theories rather than the actual true PS bashing that was near the begining of the thread.

If it was Atari who pulled out of Europe and let everyone down then it can't be Sony's fault can it…?

I did also mention Nintendo or did you simply just want to see what you wanted to see…?

Sorry if it did sounds like Microsoft bashing, but most people here seem to of made there minds up that Sony are to blame and I just wanted to point out that we do not have the full facts.

by Reapergb

15 years, 9 months ago

Ha! Well, He see's what he wants to see, I agree

But could someone please answer my question, have they delayed the game from coming out next month or just for ONLY the X-box

This only affects Pal regions. north America will still be getting the game on all platforms.