Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 9 months ago

Sweet! So whats the Pal region?

by Swift_Justice

15 years, 9 months ago

Europe and Australia are considered PAL. North America is NTSC.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 9 months ago

Europe and Australia are considered PAL. North America is NTSC.

Japan is also NTSC, its called NTSC(2) or something like that.

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

If it was Atari who pulled out of Europe and let everyone down then it can't be Sony's fault can it…?

Technically they could still have responsibility for some part of the delay, as they have more that enough money that could've been used to buy all the rights for all versions of the game.

I did also mention Nintendo or did you simply just want to see what you wanted to see…?

I didn't mention the Nintendo bit because almost all of the console fanboyery that goes on either concerns the Playstation or the Xbox.

Sorry if it did sounds like Microsoft bashing, but most people here seem to of made there minds up that Sony are to blame and I just wanted to point out that we do not have the full facts.

Can you honestly say you blame them or are surprised? There's more to people's hatred of Sony then just this latest issue concerning the game. I'm talking years of things, here.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 9 months ago

Question: If this game was so sought after by multiple companies when Activision dropped it, and Sony/TR/who-ever took all that time in deciding on who would get to publish it, it's amazing to me that the one they pick doesn't have the resources to get the job done. Can anyone who knows about the industry explain what kind of information Sony/who-ever would have been looking at when shopping for a new publisher? If they didn't do their homework on the front end, this could still be considered Sony's fault.

I'm not saying this IS the case, I honestly don't know, but I thought it was worth asking about.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

Question: If this game was so sought after by multiple companies when Activision dropped it, and Sony/TR/who-ever took all that time in deciding on who would get to publish it, it's amazing to me that the one they pick doesn't have the resources to get the job done. Can anyone who knows about the industry explain what kind of information Sony/who-ever would have been looking at when shopping for a new publisher? If they didn't do their homework on the front end, this could still be considered Sony's fault.

I'm not saying this IS the case, I honestly don't know, but I thought it was worth asking about.

I'm wondering this as well, who picked Atari as the publisher and if they knew about Atari's European financial problems.

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

Jonathan Archer;143378
I'm wondering this as well, who picked Atari as the publisher and if they knew about Atari's European financial problems.

They may not have been that evident when Atari was chosen after Activision let it go.

by batman2

15 years, 9 months ago

Am I also right in thinking that I read somewhere that Atari has also pulled out of E3 due to financial problems.

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

Am I also right in thinking that I read somewhere that Atari has also pulled out of E3 due to financial problems.

They've pulled out, but there hasn't been a definitive reason given for why:

Atari pulls out of E3, current plans in question

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

They may not have been that evident when Atari was chosen after Activision let it go.

Thats true, but generally you think that that would be one of the things you check about. I don't know, all I know is the situation surrounding this game is just bad, to bad cause the game itself is going to be great.

The GB franchise just seems to have the worst luck.