Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Doctor Venkman;141797
This definitely sucks for 360 owners, and will even moreso if this hits worldwide. If it does go worldwide, I'm slightly getting hit on this, as I was looking forward to the Wii version. I do have a PS3 though, and will obviously be able to play that.

And I wouldn't say I'm laughing at 360 owners, cuz I wouldn't do that to my fellow Ghostheads, and it definitely sucks in the 11th hour, but I do find it intriguing that so many people in the console wars debate always say 360 has so many more exclusive games, yet are now getting screwed (and very pissed off) because the PS3 got an exclusive. I understand its not that its an exclusive, its that its so late in the game, but still.

And just to clarify that statement, I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS AT ALL THAT 360 OWNERS ARE GETTING SCREWED. I'm not trying to start a fight here.

This exclusive bullshit on both consoles is bullshit and NEEDS TO END!

by Zalbag

15 years, 10 months ago

My question, will this effect the NA?

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

My question, will this effect the NA?

Not at the moment, but knowing Sony…

by Zalbag

15 years, 10 months ago

Yeah I have my PS3. Very upset by this. Sony wants to gain some money. And Reputation.. Where the heck where they when Blizzard-Activision Dropped the ball?

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Yeah I have my PS3. Very upset by this. Sony wants to gain some money. And Reputation.. Where the heck where they when Blizzard-Activision Dropped the ball?

Sitting with their thumbs in their asses and it just now took them this long to get their thumbs out and realize whats been done and decided to jump on it at the last moment.

by lionheart1

15 years, 10 months ago

Wow, I was really looking into buying a PS3 or a PSP some time this year. Now I don't think I'll be doing that. Sony has shown GB fans exactly what they think of them as: a few more chumps to push PS3s on to. I hope this does not happen for the North American versions because I was under the impression that it WAS this morning (after reading Kotaku, before double checking their crap GB reporting with Proton Charging) and I about got sick. I can only imagine what the PAL fans are feeling right now. My heart goes out to you guys.

I really am not a fan of the exclusive games for a system thing. It always makes me feel like a jerk when I hear the 360 is getting something the PS3 wont be, or wont be for some time (GTA4 DLC, Rock Band 2's delay on all other consoles). I mean, I understand it from a business standpoint, but it always seems to screw fans over in the end. I guess the people making money off things don't care about the fans though.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

I guess the people making money off things don't care about the fans though.

I don't even have to quote your entire reply, cause this one sentence sums it up entirely.

by bigtwinkie1

15 years, 10 months ago

I agree that this situation is most unfortunate. I have a 360 and am highly disappointed. And like many of you, I have a PS2 lying around my house somewhere (actually it is being used in my 1 1/2 year old son's room as a DVD player) and could reasonably buy this game for that system.

However, I'll wait for the 360 version. I'm eventually going to get both versions of the game since I also have a Wii but if I would rather either version be ruined somewhat by already knowing what's going to happen, I'd rather it be the cartoony version.

To my fellow ghostheads who own PS3, by all means, enjoy the game immensely. But please, don't ruin anything for us who have/choose to wait.

And this is sort of off subject but when did we just start dropping f-bombs like it's our job? I've seen people warned/banned for less. Not that I want to get into a debate like that; I just think that the language should be toned down. We're mostly if not all highly upset by this but just take a minute to breathe and type calmly.

By all means: vent, Vent, VENT. But I think we can do it just as well without swears and such. (sorry if I'm out of place here)

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

Big Twinkie;141809
And this is sort of off subject but when did we just start dropping f-bombs like it's our job? I've seen people warned/banned for less. Not that I want to get into a debate like that; I just think that the language should be toned down. We're mostly if not all highly upset by this but just take a minute to breathe and type calmly.

By all means: vent, Vent, VENT. But I think we can do it just as well without swears and such. (sorry if I'm out of place here)

The language has been slowly sliding of recent, part because in instances like this and when the delay announcement came last year, I felt it was justified to vent… but the other problem is that as few other moderators are on consistantly online at the same time as me, it's almost felt like a lost cause at times to try keep people from dropping the f-bomb.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 10 months ago

Maybe you need to start recruiting some of the long standing members as mods for that sort of thing! (Nah - we're probably the most irresponsible people here! Hah!) I have a feeling the language will start to calm (in this thread at least) when people have had time to vent. I'm feeling better than I was this morning, i've waited this long that I'm not too fussed with a longer wait.

As for the language in the rest of the forum, I think people are forgetting that this is a more family friendly forum (alliteration - yay!) I mean, most of it doesn't bother me…but to many Fs and i'll start to pick up on it!