Ghostbusters Game delayed on X360

by heslimedme251

15 years, 10 months ago

sorry for the language but

WHAT THE F%$#!!!!

So WHen are the new Release Dates

Is the ps3 and ps2 coming out on jun 19th

And when is the xbox wii and ds coming out July ?

Firstly, that was the last F-Bomb I can take before I have to start calling people on it…seriously it took less than 15minutes after my other post.

Secondly, the PS3 and PS2 versions are due for release on June 19th to coincide with the Blu Ray release of Ghostbusters.

Thirdly, there are no specific dates for the 360, Wii and DS versions…could be that they never get released, but Atari has given no specific timeline….just saying “At a later date.”

But as others have stated it may just be a European thing we'll know once the thing is made 100% official and proof of the contrary is given.

by batman2

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;141825
….but none of those games are Ghostbusters, none of those games will ever be Ghostbusters.

As a fellow Ghosthead only I can understand your pain, I remember when the old 8-bit game came out in the 80's after the film, I was the only one who owned a home computer that the game was never released on. I had a BBC Micro while all my friends had Commodore 64's and ZX Spectrums, I was so jealous that they could play Ghostbusters while I could not. The pain is still with me nearly 25 years later.


15 years, 10 months ago

this is crazy

Where is skanks!!!!!!!

by misfit1

15 years, 10 months ago

It's not all bad your still going to get it at least.

I mean PS3 owners can't play Halo, Gears Of War, Dead Or Alive, Fable, etc.

After all Sony (Columbia) do own Ghostbusters and it is one of there all time biggest earners.

The only thing I'm worried about is, if the game does not live up to the hype, then when it get's released on other platforms it may hit sales which may in turn kill any chance of a Ghosbusters 3 movie.

The same thing happened not so long ago when the new Alone In The Dark game came out on the Xbox 360 first with loads of bugs and problems. When it finally got it's PS3 release the bad press had basically killed it, even though they had corrected all that which was wrong with the 360 version.

You're really not missing much with the 360 exclusive games, in my opinion alot of the exclusive titles are pretty poor (gears of war. halo. I can't say i'm a big fan of dark drab shooters. Fable was pretty fun though)

I got a 360 just to play GB.

I've just cancled my pre-order from play. So embittered by this whole thing.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

As a fellow Ghosthead only I can understand your pain, I remember when the old 8-bit game came out in the 80's after the film, I was the only one who owned a home computer that the game was never released on. I had a BBC Micro while all my friends had Commodore 64's and ZX Spectrums, I was so jealous that they could play Ghostbusters while I could not. The pain is still with me nearly 25 years later.

It just sucks, this game has whats probably the worst luck ever, and its disgusting.

by Heslimedme80

15 years, 10 months ago


this better not happen in NA too…

I am NOT getting a ps3, I am starting to hate sony.

by Swift_Justice

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm a PS3/Wii owner and being a gamer for years, I've seen this exclusive sh*t happen quite often. Especially being a N64/GCN gamer the last two generations. This generation seems to be worse. I've seen games announced for the GCN/PS2/Xbox only to disappear on the GCN at the last minute.

Now with DLC being used as an exclusive tool. I'm hoping someday that I'll get to play Fallout 3 and Tomb Raider: Underworld content that the 360 owners get to enjoy. Not a fan of the GTA series.

I just don't agree with companies when they pull these moves but unfortunately it always seems to come down to money.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 10 months ago

Alrighty, vent post…

I realize that right now this is limited to Europe - which totally sucks for them. If we get a proper 360 release on time in the states, I'll see if I can get a couple of copies out to y'all.

I have a feeling though that this won't be limited to Europe for long. Sony has done nothing but **poo** all over the GB franchise and us, it's fans - ie: the ones who have kept it alive for the 20 years following GBII. As has been stated, I wouldn't feel near so pissed off about this if Sony had made this move after the activision fiasco. But no, they wait until “the 11th hour” so to speak, only to slap us across the face again. Screw you Sony. Having pre-ordered the 360 and Wii versions, made plans with the manager of my local game stop to show up on the day in uniform, and hyping this game to my friends (mostly 360 owners mind you) - now I'm left holding NOTHING! This is BS!

Alright - I've got my main vent out of the way. Now, when it happens in the US, I'll have said my piece. I'll still be pissed, but at least I'll be ready for it.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Alrighty, vent post…

I realize that right now this is limited to Europe - which totally sucks for them. If we get a proper 360 release on time in the states, I'll see if I can get a couple of copies out to y'all.

I have a feeling though that this won't be limited to Europe for long. Sony has done nothing but **poo** all over the GB franchise and us, it's fans - ie: the ones who have kept it alive for the 20 years following GBII. As has been stated, I wouldn't feel near so pissed off about this if Sony had made this move after the activision fiasco. But no, they wait until “the 11th hour” so to speak, only to slap us across the face again. Screw you Sony. Having pre-ordered the 360 and Wii versions, made plans with the manager of my local game stop to show up on the day in uniform, and hyping this game to my friends (mostly 360 owners mind you) - now I'm left holding NOTHING! This is BS!

Alright - I've got my main vent out of the way. Now, when it happens in the US, I'll have said my piece. I'll still be pissed, but at least I'll be ready for it.

Don't worry, I'll vent enough for the both of us when that time comes out, and oh brother I'll be sending Sony a letter with some choice words, which I'm surprised European fans haven't done already…or have they? (*peter)

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 10 months ago

the thing bout it is, if we're getting this angry bout it and we're the ones who will be buying first n foremost wonder how much power we have to make them change their minds?! because as much as it is a game, its a GB game for the fans first. i see more people wanting other games first before GB. itll be a word of mouth, or reviews thatll get other gamers to buy it.