Ghostbusters game not making much sense in timeline!

by jogi82

15 years, 7 months ago

In all fairness, the hotel doesn't look the same (in the game), but that's just cosmetic, so I can deal with it.(*peter)

yeah, maybe u are right!
my point was that this is an building! why would it have changed u know?

ah, before i forget:
there is also hook and ladder 8 aka gbhq and ecto1, like in the movies!
why dont complain about that?

i just dont get what ur problem is jedimiller?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Nah, just headache, Sinus problems, having a hard time keeping things down and advanced lethargy…I feel like all my strength has been zapped to the point where It is taking all of my strength at the moment to hold myself up at work

by jogi82

15 years, 7 months ago

o.k., now i get it!
be patient jedimiller, everything ill be explayned logical in the game!
for the hotel i could tell u, but i dont want to spoil it here! if u are interested anyway u should look this video: go on utube and look for the first 12 min. video part 2 of gbtvg

by KittyKatGhost

15 years, 7 months ago

o.k., now i get it!
be patient jedimiller, everything ill be explayned logical in the game!
for the hotel i could tell u, but i dont want to spoil it here! if u are interested anyway u should look this video: go on utube and look for the first 12 min. video part 2 of gbtvg

… I seriously don't believe you. Most people who already have the game are reviewers or got it earlier and your grammar is way to bad to be a reviewer.

Anyways things dont just change after 2 years look at the empire state building its not changed you didnt see someone tear it down and rebuild it every year did you?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

… I seriously don't believe you. Most people who already have the game are reviewers or got it earlier and your grammar is way to bad to be a reviewer.

Anyways things dont just change after 2 years look at the empire state building its not changed you didnt see someone tear it down and rebuild it every year did you?

Give him a break…he is from Germany. I am sure English isn't his first language.

by jedimiller

15 years, 7 months ago

Well, i'm playing the game. Still confused here, haven't finished it, I like taking it slow. However I did finish the first level where Slimer escapes and goes to the same hotel from the first movie. I found that kinda odd…Why would slimer go back to that hotel and eat stuff from there and enter the ballroom again? I have no clue why he would do that other than to fit the game with the first movie.

I still don't understand why Stay puft came back and all that mumbo jumbo..but the ghostbusters themselves seem confused about it too….

So far so good, I guess.

by TheRazorsEdge

15 years, 7 months ago

Why would slimer go back to that hotel and eat stuff from there and enter the ballroom again?

Without really spoiling anything, I'll say it's explained in the story that the hotel is one of a number of sites that is drawing ghosts toward it for a specific reason.

But also, most ghosts just plain haunt specific places. The whole reason a haunted house is haunted is the spirits can't leave. They could have decided to make the Sedgewick Slimer's haunted house if they'd wanted.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

Well, i'm playing the game. Still confused here, haven't finished it, I like taking it slow. However I did finish the first level where Slimer escapes and goes to the same hotel from the first movie. I found that kinda odd…Why would slimer go back to that hotel and eat stuff from there and enter the ballroom again? I have no clue why he would do that other than to fit the game with the first movie.

I still don't understand why Stay puft came back and all that mumbo jumbo..but the ghostbusters themselves seem confused about it too….

So far so good, I guess.

Once you finish the game you should understand. Its all explained. Why Slimer returns to the Sedgewick… Why Gozer has returned in the form of Stay Puft… Trust me, the game fits in the timeline.

by ive_been_slimed

15 years, 6 months ago

Doctor Venkman;149584
Once you finish the game you should understand. Its all explained. Why Slimer returns to the Sedgewick… Why Gozer has returned in the form of Stay Puft… Trust me, the game fits in the timeline.

Thats very interesting, I can't wait to play it now.

by M.Adman316

15 years, 5 months ago

Well, i'm playing the game. Still confused here, haven't finished it, I like taking it slow. However I did finish the first level where Slimer escapes and goes to the same hotel from the first movie. I found that kinda odd…Why would slimer go back to that hotel and eat stuff from there and enter the ballroom again? I have no clue why he would do that other than to fit the game with the first movie.

Since the hotel is where Slimer originally manifested on this plane,
he/she/it would be drawn back to that point if released.
Basic Ghostology 101….Lol!