Ghostbuster fan films are beginning to become less of a rarity (Thanks to My. Braxtan). We can't deny the truth that some are
subpar, while some are entertaining and amusing. Few to this date have released a carefully craft and well executed Ghostbuster fan film. The point of that this. I have a goal, an ambition. And it is to be added to that list of the few willing to give it there all to make a GB fan film.
I can simply say I'm making a Ghostbuster fan film but I guess I would make it seem like I'm making a cheap ass attempt at one.
I am a fan of the Ghostbusters and I have for the longest wanted to make an actually Ghostbusters fan film, not something spur of the moment, not something thoughtless. Something with a fresh twist on the formula of the source material. That's where “Ghostbusters: Next Gen” comes in.
I have been in preproduction of this film giving it my all to make something of quality from props, to costumes, to story, and characters. I want to make a “Ghostbusters” that will please the fans and deliver in every film making aspect.
After auditions, much planning, late night writing sessions, today was the first day of production of which I can honestly say will be a pretty enjoyable Ghostbuster fan film and maybe one of the best out there. Here are stills from today's production in NYC.

We got 6 or 7 pages done of a 60 page script today. Next weekend, we'll be filming the first bust sequence at a restaurant in downtown NYC. Expect a lot of interesting stills and shots in the coming weeks (including which will be my favorite shot which is of the Ghostbusters running through Time Square in full gear).