Ghostbusters: Generation (2 Proton Packs being Sold!)

by fomeboy

18 years, 3 months ago

lol I love that new signature ha ha

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 3 months ago

Where's the images gh0buster? They were HELLA NICE! It's now my wallpaper!

I re-upped the images.

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 3 months ago

Where's the images gh0buster? They were HELLA NICE! It's now my wallpaper!

I re-upped the images.


omg that person seriously said “hella”

that has to be the worst word ever created by human nature

by daftkid909

18 years, 3 months ago

And thus, that's why I said it!

“Will you stop saying HELLA?!?!?!”

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 3 months ago

Last pic:

by Kingpin

18 years, 3 months ago

They don't call them teasers for nothing. :p

Liking the look of the second Ghostbusters: Generation cover design. Looking forward to the large preview pics.

by drstantz3

18 years, 2 months ago


by daftkid909

18 years, 2 months ago

I'm staying the shadows. I don't really want to update consistly with nonsense so I am just working in my corner until I have major updates

Either way, an update of sorts:

-The first cut of the film clocks in at 95 minutes without credits. I already know 2 moments that won't be in the final cut and will be deleted scene available online once the film is released.

-It seems the release is 90% locked for March. the main thing holding back the release is the CGI and music which I can promise will be done by March (even if I have to put up the $$$ to get the effects done faster and better).

Pretty much, I want to remain hidden until the trailer is released. It was suppose to be released by now by the VFX Supervsior said we have one chance to impress the viewing autdience and we want the trailer to be a BIG BANG so we can successfully promote the film. I am learning that patience is a virture and the last thing I'm going to do is release a half done trailer just to keep slight interest. I will have a bigger pay off waiting for the CGI work to be finished.

by drstantz3

18 years, 2 months ago

okey dokey Mr Daft

by daftkid909

18 years, 2 months ago

Below is a copy and paste of what is stated on the “Ghostbusters: Generation”.

Currently, “Ghostbusters:Generation” is in post-production, however, we need your help! The film is employing talented visual effects artist to work on the effects necessary for the completion of the film. Such talent will provide the film with exciting effects sequences and elaborate CGI characters such as the one at the link below:

In order to provide for this, extras funds are needed to pay these hard working individuals for their time and effort. Donations are currently being accepted in order to raise the necessary funds. Preps are currently being offered to those that are willing to aid the film and allow for us to finish this complex production and enable us to provide the fans and viewing audience with our independent vision of what “Ghostbusters 3” could be. Every dollars counts and we are willing to accept any amount, big or small! Every donation will means a lot to all those that have put in the time, resources, and energy in order to bring this film to life. Below are the offers providing for those donation:

Less Than $20:
-Donator Credit in the Film whether Full Name or Alias.

- Donator Credit in the Film whether Full Name or Alias.
-1 Copy of the 2 Disc DVD Set (DVDs include all features listed at the bottom of this post).

- Associate Producer Credit in the Film whether Full Name or Alias.
-1 Copy of the 2 Disc DVD Set (DVDs include all features listed at the bottom of this post).

- Associate Producer Credit in the Film whether Full Name or Alias.
-2 Copies of the 2 Disc DVD Set (DVDs include all features listed at the bottom of this post). All signed by Director and major cast members.

-Associate Producer Credit in the Film whether Full Name or Alias
-3 Copies of the 2 Disc DVD Set (DVDs include all features listed at the bottom of this post) for the first $50 and an additional DVD added for every additional $15 donated. All signed by the director and major cast members.
-A reserved seat at the premiere for those that reside near to the Tri-State Area for you and one guest.

$100 or more:
-Executive Producer Credit ( One of the more prestigious credits.)
-8 Copies of the 2 Disc DVD Set (DVDs include all features listed at the bottom of this post). All signed by the director and major cast members.
For every additional $15 donated after $100, you get another DVD set. The disc and shipping will be paid by me.

The DVDs will offer the follwing special features, These are set in stone so this is exactly what you will get.

Disc 1:
-Full Feature Film ( Available in 4x3 letterbox or 16x9 widescreen upon request)
-2.35:1 Aspect Ratio
-Dolby Digitial 5.1 or 2.0 Surround (Available upon request)
-Two Commentary Tracks
-Track One: Commentary Feature Director Eddie Lebron and Co-Producer/ Creative Consultant Adam Lee.
-Track Two: Commentary Featuring Benjamin L. Newmark, Jun Naito, and Arthur Brennan (“The Ghostbusters”)
-Teaser, Trailers, and TV Spots.

Disc 2:
-“Making of” Featurette Including Cast/ Crew Interviews and BTS footage.
-“Rebirth” Featurette Including In Depth Interview with Director Eddie Lebron and Co-Producer/ Creative Consultant Adam Lee discussing their Film Background, Ghostbuster Fan Film history,
Generation's Pre-production, Production, and Post-Production, and Marketing.
-Deleted Scenes (As of now, there are 4 scenes I want out of the film)
-Alternate Opening (“The Blue Opening”)
-Alternate Ending (“The Blue Ending”)

You can access the PayPal donation option at Myspace page for “Ghostbusters: Generation” at:

If you want to donate any other way, e-mail me at

The link is secure and will take you directly to the page you can donate to. If you want to send a donation any other way, contact me at

NOTE: If the account is under any “Lebron”, it will still go to the correct bank account. Currently, any Paypal account being used to receive a payment was created years ago by other members of the Lebron family and in order to avoid wasting anymore time, dealing with confirming accounts for a new Paypal account, or any other complications, the account will not be under “Eddie Lebron”. As long as the account name is under the last name “Lebron”, you are sending to the correct account.

Thank you and hope you all help out the cause!

Eddie Lebron