So, Eddie showed me a rough cut of the movie. And here's a short, no spoiler review.
So, the movie starts with a stylish intro that defines the movie. A man is walking in pain amongst NYC and has visions. After his panic-scream we get the new 3d NO GHOST logo. Ah man, the intro wat definetly awesome. The pacing of it and the angles + the way shots were cinematographed was a great introduction and got me pumped for the rest of the movie.
The first half hour introduced the characters, which where original.Instead of there being a Venkman-clone, Egon clone and Stantz clone, these characters really had an persona of their own. Of course each character resembles something of the original ghostbusters, but that's so minimal you won't even notice. There's Tim, the asian guy. He's basically the Spengler of the trio. He's smart, psyched up with the paranormal. But he's not as “weird” and “nerdy” as Egon (or his Denver-based relative) is. He's just a cool guy obsessed with the paranormal.
The second character is John Campbell. I think he should represent the “stantz” of the film, but this character doesn't ghave any traits Stantz had, except maybe his geekiness. John likes videogames and old cartoons. He's the funniest of the tree always raving on about things while the others try to shuss him. A greatly written character
The third character is Lee. Lee's kind of the venkman in the story, there he's after fame and fortune in the beginning. He's an arrogant type that thinks he's better then the rest and is always playing sarcastic. He still has a good heart for his friend altough he has a tough time showing it.
I really liked the characters. I didn't have the feeling they were ripoffs of the original three. They all had their own mindsets, goals and it worked out great. The film's dialogue felt realistic at moments and the acting performances were, for fanfilm quality, great. Some ups and downs but overall the acting was pretty good.
Overall, a great film. I can't wait to see the full version. I'm gonna make the ultimate compliment: if there ever was one fanfilm that would be a serious contestant for GB3, this would be it. It really had the feel of the original movies, maybe the locations had to do with it. (Times square dude!). Seriously, Eddie REALLY impressed me with this piece of film. I'm gonna name my first kid Eddie!
Nothing really too special, but with lack of updates and all I figure this was a intriguing read (mainly because he saved me the trouble of breaking down the character for the forums vistors!). I am flattered so maybe I m doing something right with the film. So close yet so far away…
The poster isn't even involved in the film, he just got lucky and I sent him the cut! See, if you have my AIM screen name, maybe you'll be lucky too!
PS: Thanks gh0stbuster for the intro