Ghostbusters: Generation (2 Proton Packs being Sold!)

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 12 months ago

Hot damn! Can't wait for the trailer.

by fixer791

17 years, 12 months ago

Hot damn!

I've always loved that expression ever since I heard it from Lee Mayors in the long forgotten television show ‘Raven’…

16 days and counting…


by ViolentG

17 years, 11 months ago

6 DAYS!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!

by daftkid909

17 years, 11 months ago

Some lucky people from a few forums who have my aim SN have had the chance to see it early and the reaction seems to be rather positive .

by section33

17 years, 11 months ago

Trust me people it's well worth the wait, and you'll feel pretty amped about seeing the final product once you've watched it!

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 11 months ago

Not to start a “who's better?” thing going on here, but compared to Return's trailer, which is more impressive?

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 11 months ago

Not to start a “who's better?” thing going on here, but compared to Return's trailer, which is more impressive?

Surely that is regardless.

I want to see the trailer earlier

by daftkid909

17 years, 11 months ago

“ROTGB” and “GBG”. Two entirely different films. Two entirely different trailers.

I tried to edit it as a legimate “Ghostbusters 3” trailer so I did some rather unique approaches than most people do for their trailer. Plus, I refuse to show any over the top action shots until the film.

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 11 months ago

Cool, so you are trying for a true GB 3? Awesome. I to want to see it earily. heh

by hanksta2

17 years, 11 months ago

“ROTGB” and “GBG”. Two entirely different films. Two entirely different trailers.

I think this is best for all GB fans, including myself and Eddie. Nobody wants to see the same thing over and over again. That's why I have entirely different reasons to be excited for both of these films. I'm excited for GBG because I don't know the plot, and I've tried to keep i that way. It's the only chance I have to see a new GB film from beginning to end. As for ROTGB…well, I just can't wait to finish it so I can move on!