Ghostbusters: Generation (2 Proton Packs being Sold!)

by daftkid909

17 years, 9 months ago

I agree!

I'm considering releasing a pre-release tv spot (maybe only 1 minute long) with more action packed sequences 2-3 weeks before the release. I felt REALLY iffy about placing more effect shots in he trailer. I felt that putting too many effects shots in the trailer would be an easy cop out to get people to see it and that just ain't me. As for the Braxtan trailer: “Two different films, two diffrent trailers”. :p

Thanks for the comments! Keep 'em coming!

by ViolentG

17 years, 9 months ago

Howdy all!

OK, i've finally seen it… verdict? SWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEETTT! I'm going to list, mainly for Eddie and the crew's benefit (but also anyone else who cares) my main thoughts on the pro's and con's of the trailer. I'm going to AVOID comparing it directly to the RotGB trailer, however some cross-references may be made to illustrate a point… ready? Good! :-)

1) The voiceover. Absolutely cream-in-your-pants awesome, proper “movie trailer” stuff! After seeing the RotGB trailer, I was kinda disappointed as the voiceover seemed false and quite forced, however this rocked ass. Whoever this guy is, I want him to make a message for my answer machine. Shake his hand for me - 10/10!
2) The references to the original Ghostbusters, and faded shots of them from the original film - top stuff, certainly hyped me up in a “what's going to come next?” kinda way. Very original, liked it!
3) The acting. Whilst not looking *as* authentic as the original GB's (obviously) it looks a darn site better than the quality of acting in FvsGB and some of the other fan films that knock around. Ben really puts humour into his performance, as does the fat weirdy-beardy dude (Arthur) who's performances i've been lucky enough to glimpse so far have made me laugh out loud! They both seem really genuine too, and the other dude, the Asian guy (Jun?) whilst I haven't seen quite as much of him, he certainly seems to have grasped the whole “serious” angle very well, and I think the three of them will bring a really good relationship to the film (in a totally non-homosexual way, I might add). Plus that guy who looks like a model for shaving foam (Evan? The older bloke who's seen talking to Christine?) He looks like quite a pro, where'd he come from?
4) That Christine girl. I said it before, and i'll say it again, she is awesomely GORGEOUS… I previously thought being a Ghostbusters fan meant females labelled you in the “nerd” category and avoided you like the plague? Or is that just me?! Either way, she's ace, and really brings a sparkle of prettiness to the film, cast in with all the other ugly monsters. Just kidding!
5) The music. Fabulous choices, worked really well - VERY impressed!
6) Finally, the logo formation - loved it… reminded me of the original Ghostbusters, the way it just “melted” into the red circle was great, and a kind of nostalgic nod to the original. I wasn't a personal fan of the whole “fat, bloaty, happy ghost gets stuck in the logo”, a lá Ghostbusters II, so this made me a happy chappy!
7) The CGI shots. Firstly, that ghost - he reminds me of some sort of Slimer-had-kids-with-a-turd kind of job - I love the way he just blobs along into the field of vision, then blurs into focus, that was great. Excellent work so far, the proton streams were also excellent, although I was a little suprised not to see any sparks or other interference on a couple of the shots?

Didn't love quite as much:
1) The choice of shots. I'm not joining the “let's-cram-the-best-parts-of-the movie-into-the-trailer” brigade here (because that happened with Hot Fuzz, if anyone saw it) however what kinda disappointed me was that the majority of scenes chosen for the trailer seemed to take place away from other actors and/or the public, and seemed to have been filmed in empty back alleys, offices or car parking lot-type areas, which just made the film look a bit… I dunno, empty, considering they're meant to be “saving the universe” or whatever. It could have looked a tad more ‘vibrant’, if you understand me?
2) The slime - with all due respect, and this is my most MAJOR criticism of the whole thing (which is a good thing, trust me!) the amount of slime looks a bit feeble. It's kinda like the “Hey guys! Let's scrape together a dollar from loose change and buy half a bottle of shampoo” type setup, and even *then* you only pour half the half-bottle of shampoo to avoid getting attention from the cops for illegal disposal of toxic-waste, or something else just as ludicrous. Is there any reason for using such a meagre amount? I'd have personally lobbed bucketloads in there, then washed it away. If it's not too late, is there any chance of re-filming that bit? It just makes the film seem a little “amateur”, for probable want of a better word… unless it's MEANT to be a teeny amount of slime which seemed to appear from no visible source, in which case my foot is firmly in my mouth…?
3) Lack of nasty evil big-boss-style baddie… I was kinda hoping for some sort of awesome flaming, big red, evil super-mega demon to be portrayed as the movie's “bad guy” but instead there's just that young Ron-Jeremy-alike and the spotty dude stumbling around… not too sure what to make of that… yet. Just *some* kind of half-second snippet of what the crew are up against would have been nice, but at the moment it remains a faceless entity… mystery!
4) FINALLY… THE WEBSITE! WHERE THE HECK IS IT?! *pokes you with a sharp stick*

Either way, absolutely top-notch stuff, I thought it looked excellent, and i'm proud to have donated to this film. Also, on a couple of serious notes, i) is there any chance of a signed photograph from the cast, and ii) are the donation lines still open?

Keep up the excellent work, and don't release too much of the good stuff despite what people are hassling you for, you'll only ruin months of hard work. At the end of the day, they're not NOT gonna watch it, they wouldn't have the heart

by hanksta2

17 years, 9 months ago

Dude, it's not a cop out, man–I personally think that showing off some effects is a nice way to show fans what they've been waiting for. Unless your film only has 5 seconds of special effects!

But it's your trailer. Personally, I think it's a really good GB trailer. If you recall the original GB2 trailer, they had almost NO special effects done when they cut it; in fact there are several incomplete effects shots in it.

I must say your trailer has some of the best voice over I've ever heard in a fan piece. I don't think people realize how tough it is to cut a trailer. I hate those trailers that only have text on screen. Give me the trailer voice, or give me death! (or my money back).

by daftkid909

17 years, 9 months ago

Dude, it's not a cop out, man–I personally think that showing off some effects is a nice way to show fans what they've been waiting for. Unless your film only has 5 seconds of special effects!

But it's your trailer. Personally, I think it's a really good GB trailer. If you recall the original GB2 trailer, they had almost NO special effects done when they cut it; in fact there are several incomplete effects shots in it.

I must say your trailer has some of the best voice over I've ever heard in a fan piece. I don't think people realize how tough it is to cut a trailer. I hate those trailers that only have text on screen. Give me the trailer voice, or give me death! (or my money back).

What you did wasn't a “cop out”. You knew how to balance it. Some people, however, try to make a complete trailer rely on noting but effect shots. I'm afraid of being one of those people!

I keep forgetting the GB2 trailer was dry with effect shots!

by fome

17 years, 9 months ago

Since it hasn't been mentioned yet, Gh0stbusters was the one who made the GBG no-ghost logo intro… pretty well done…

the lighting a cigarette with the gun was pretty funny and new… that Campbell guy looks like a funny character…

looking forward for this flick… and for more of Christine ha ha :p

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 9 months ago

Well it is up and I am downloading it at work tomorrow, I have dial up at home. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS!! How do I get the dvd? I forgot to contribute, thanks.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

I agree!

I'm considering releasing a pre-release tv spot (maybe only 1 minute long) with more action packed sequences 2-3 weeks before the release. I felt REALLY iffy about placing more effect shots in he trailer. I felt that putting too many effects shots in the trailer would be an easy cop out to get people to see it and that just ain't me. As for the Braxtan trailer: “Two different films, two diffrent trailers”. :p

Thanks for the comments! Keep 'em coming!

I agree, it's always good being truthful that way. But that sure ain't the way Hollywood works. Reminds me of the movie V for Vendetta when all they showed in the commercials was explosions and fighting then when you actually see it, there's like a total of 3 action scenes. So disappointing, but it sold.

And I agree with VG and Hank on the voiceover. It's awesome. Probably the best I've heard from any fanfilm, it really sounds just like the real guy.

But on the down side, you villain looks like Peter Jackson pre-kong.

by fome

17 years, 9 months ago

Reminds me of the movie V for Vendetta when all they showed in the commercials was explosions and fighting then when you actually see it, there's like a total of 3 action scenes. So disappointing, but it sold.

uh, V for Vendetta was not disappointing at all… like if you only put aside the action scenes, the story was excellent…

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Reminds me of the movie V for Vendetta when all they showed in the commercials was explosions and fighting then when you actually see it, there's like a total of 3 action scenes. So disappointing, but it sold.

uh, V for Vendetta was not disappointing at all… like if you only put aside the action scenes, the story was excellent…

Not if you're comparing it to the original comics. But some people don't mind settling for less than the original. The original comic had a way better story to tell, a great undertone, and good character development. This had to be the most watered down version of any adaptation I've ever seen. The tone was completely changed, and V was nothing more than a sideshow bob who got second billing to Evey. But I must say, the most ridiculous thing in this entire film is how they made up the “Dictator Sutler” character and threw him in there for no reason at all. Seriously, they could have just stuck with “Hitler,” all they did was change the first two letters of his name. Didn't really impress me.

And apparently, Alan Moore agrees.

But all that aside, and back to GBG…

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

Alan Moore isn't a God… but that's another debate for another time.

2) The slime - with all due respect, and this is my most MAJOR criticism of the whole thing (which is a good thing, trust me!) the amount of slime looks a bit feeble. It's kinda like the “Hey guys! Let's scrape together a dollar from loose change and buy half a bottle of shampoo” type setup, and even *then* you only pour half the half-bottle of shampoo to avoid getting attention from the cops for illegal disposal of toxic-waste, or something else just as ludicrous. Is there any reason for using such a meagre amount? I'd have personally lobbed bucketloads in there, then washed it away. If it's not too late, is there any chance of re-filming that bit? It just makes the film seem a little “amateur”, for probable want of a better word… unless it's MEANT to be a teeny amount of slime which seemed to appear from no visible source, in which case my foot is firmly in my mouth…?
3) Lack of nasty evil big-boss-style baddie… I was kinda hoping for some sort of awesome flaming, big red, evil super-mega demon to be portrayed as the movie's “bad guy” but instead there's just that young Ron-Jeremy-alike and the spotty dude stumbling around… not too sure what to make of that… yet. Just *some* kind of half-second snippet of what the crew are up against would have been nice, but at the moment it remains a faceless entity… mystery!

3) There was definately a small amount of slime on the ground… but do you remember the opening scene of Ghostbusters II? There was only a small puddle there. Besides, later on they have two tubs full of slime so I doubt they're gonna be skimpy on the ectoplasm.

4) I doubt that if the main bad guy transforms, they'd spoil that plot point by revealing the ‘final form’ in the trailer.