Ghostbusters: Generation (2 Proton Packs being Sold!)

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 6 months ago

just saw the teaser dude. it's epic. I want.

by maskedshuuyu

16 years, 6 months ago

I do want to see this, hope it's not been canceled or anything.

by sandmanfvr

16 years, 6 months ago

I emailed him on his site, no reply. I hope it is going to be released.

by egon157

16 years, 4 months ago

Been like 2 or 3 years.
When is this film going coming out!

by sandmanfvr

16 years, 4 months ago

Well his “studio” is doing mega man and other stuff, but he won't reply to emails. I don't get it. I want this fan film to come out, but alas I don't think it will.

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 3 months ago

i have been gone a long time, but as far as i know ghostbusters generations is no longer in works, it was supposed to be out this month last i heard. so what happened anyone know?

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

I merged the two posts as there was already a topic in existance.

To answer your question, I have no idea when the film's going to come out, attempts to contact the team have gone unanswered and they apparently haven't updated their site… so I guess the first we'll know about the film coming out is if it gets released or if they finally post here again.

by back

16 years, 1 month ago

Havent seen any Recent updates, anyone know what the score is here?
im gone.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

No one has any idea, actually. Lots of people have tried contacting Eddie. He used to stop by the forums… no one has any clue what happened.

by devilmanozzy1

16 years, 1 month ago

At the “return of the Ghostbusters” forum in the fanfilm section he posted recently (November 2008).

page 28

nothing really in the way of news, just that they site is back up.