Ghostbusters: Generation (2 Proton Packs being Sold!)

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 7 months ago

It's the same girl in the trailer. And just, she's smokin'.

The actress's name is Christine Fitzsimmon. The character she plays is Jennifer, a very pivot character in the story.

And the first female ghostbuster I ever seen.

Janine… Kylie… ? :p

Janine is a secretary.

Kylie is the first female cartoon Ghostbuster.

Don't know if Christine Fitzsimmon catch ghost in this movie but if they do she could be the first real female Ghostbuster in a GB movie.

by robertknippels1

18 years, 7 months ago

Hello Daftkid909,

Can't wait to see this fanmovie. Everything looks great. I was wondering if I may give some information about this fanfilm with a couple of screenshots on my webpage?

Best regards,


by drstantz3

18 years, 7 months ago

Yeah daftkid,

just want to ask the same question, I live in Germany and me and my frieds think that´s a great teaser and the pics look damn good. So I want to ask if I can make a bit commercial for it on some german websites.
Of course, I would tell that´s ur movie.



by daftkid909

18 years, 7 months ago

Sure! Any publicity is welcomed!

I'm in talks with the FX's artist so we can get more references put into the film (a little Slimer cameo and a 5 inch tall Stay Puft one of the Ghostbusters step on!)

by drstantz3

18 years, 7 months ago

That´s a great idea, especially the Stay Puft!

by robertknippels1

18 years, 7 months ago

hello Daftkid909,

I have posted some information of this fanmovie on my site.

Thanks and keep up the good work!

Best regards,


by daftkid909

18 years, 6 months ago

UPDATE! I have given you 6 pics to make up for not putting them up sooner:

And finally, a BTS shot of the actors having a photo ops with some kids. Awwww.

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 6 months ago

The pictures look really good! I know this is going to be a great film. I really can't wait to see this. Thanks for keeping us updated daftkid909


by fusi0n1

18 years, 6 months ago

Man these shots keep getting better and better.

Top stuff!

by ViolentG

18 years, 6 months ago

Again this looks amazing! Hopefully the effects will be just as good as the scenes themselves! I'm *really* looking forward to this. And tell Christine Fitzsimmon that she's STILL hot (even though we haven't got any new pics of her!!!!!!) :-)