Ghostbusters: Generation (2 Proton Packs being Sold!)

by daftkid909

18 years, 5 months ago

Well then, there will probably be a 3 month gap in between, which is good!

I think the only reason we will edited and finish faster is that my CGI artist isn't the one doing the stream so he will be able to focus on all 3D aspects. The streams our my burden:

Not bad for After Effects, huh? (^_^) And I'm even able to modify the streams in a simulated 3D space. I am so glad I dont need to paint them!

by hanksta2

18 years, 5 months ago

You know it!

by ecto_plasmic1

18 years, 5 months ago


the funny thing about that is.. that they are wearing sneakers instead of boots. :-)

by daftkid909

18 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, we wanted to get a bit more gritty so we stayed with sneakers! I love them since for some reason they are even funnier and PLUS, each sneaker help reflect the characters in many sequences. When the film is released, if you noticed how the types of sneakers change depending on scene context, it's a nice subtle character anecdote!

Also, the ghostbusters farthest to the left is actually wearing shined dress shoes. He wears those suckers throughout the whole movie since in the film, you will either see him in the flightsuit or some expensive dress attire.

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 5 months ago

the funny thing about that is.. that they are wearing sneakers instead of boots. :-)

SNEAKERS: The faster way to bust ghosts! lol

by daftkid909

18 years, 5 months ago

Well, for those of you that don't know, It's over!! Filming has been completed! Through the good and the bad, the cast, crew, and myself kept it together and now we are finally done! Now for post-production!

Expect 2-3 TV spots and the final trailer are released with the next 8 weeks!

Wish “The Mustached One” (me) luck!

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago

Well, for those of you that don't know, It's over!! Filming has been completed! Through the good and the bad, the cast, crew, and myself kept it together and now we are finally done! Now for post-production!

Expect 2-3 TV spots and the final trailer are released with the next 8 weeks!

Wish “The Mustached One” (me) luck!

Looking forward to it, Eddie.

by daftkid909

18 years, 5 months ago

What is the “Promotional Blitzkrieg” you ask? One of the biggest fan film promotional undertakings to date.

My goal: To expose more people to the fan film aspect of indie film making and build hype for the film.

How: Do many things that will probably make Sony Pictures hunt me down…(I'm taking a risk here).

The first step of the plan is the release of the final trailer in 1 month and the launch of two Plattinum Cinema sites. Then the fun will really begin…

I don't want to give details but the the Blitzkrieg will be BIG..

And here are the last three stills for the public!

by hanksta2

18 years, 5 months ago

Just don't do anything to bring Sony down on the rest of us!

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 5 months ago

Just don't do anything to bring Sony down on the rest of us!

good point …but very brave for your risk taking and i wish u the best of luck daft