Ghostbusters HD movie download?

by markderidder

15 years, 9 months ago

I am still flip flopping on what system to buy for the new Ghostbusters game. I am leaning towards the PS3 but only so that I can watch Ghostbusters on Blue-Ray.

I would rather play the xbox 360 version since that is where my friends are, and would do it if I knew Ghostbusters would be available for a HD download either through iTunes or Netflix.

Any news, thoughts, rumors on such thing?


by Anderson-GB

15 years, 9 months ago

Well the PS3 version doesnt come with the movie if thats what ur saying. You can watch Ghostbusters through Netflix as I have in my instant playlist right now.

I really dont understand your analogy for which system to get it for.

by markderidder

15 years, 9 months ago

I have Ghostbusters on DVD, and I'm not interested a standard definition version of the movie… I want the HD version, like the one on blue-ray.

If blue-ray is the only way to see Ghostbusters in High Definition, then I need a blue-ray player (PS3). However, if there will be other ways to watch an HD version of Ghostbusters (netflix, iTunes), then I will get an Xbox 360.

Does that make more sense?


P.S. To make the distinction more clear, I am going to buy a new game system and the Ghostbuster game. Not sure which one yet as I am also interested in the new Ghostbusters movie that has been remastered for high definition. If it's blue ray only, then a PS3 I will be getting.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 9 months ago

Let me make a comment not to start a Console War here. PS3 is a good console, but the 360 is overall better. Valve, that makes Half Life, Half Life 2, Counter Strike, L4D etc. was quoted on Kotaku as saying the PS3 is to hard to work with and thus won't program/make games for them. It is true, even though a PS3 fan may get mad, the Cell chip on the PS3 like the Emotion Engine on the PS2 are ADVANCED, no questions asked, but hard to program for. In the end, Xbox Live does have more content, better multiplayer, and streaming movies. Yes, you can stream HD movies on Live. If you want GB on HD, then forget a PS3 and just stream it. THEN, you can save some money and get a Blu-Ray player and then not need a PS3 or save again for a PS3. Just my opinion.

EDIT: The article on Kotaku:

by csullivan1980

15 years, 9 months ago


hey, i hear ya. it's a tough choice. i own a ps3 and got it for the reason i wanted a next gen console AND Blu-ray player all in one. being a NETFLIX subscriber since October 2007 they do not have HD movie streams in the WATCH INSTANTLY feature and i doubt iTunes will be releasing a HD version of Ghostbusters for download anytime soon. their selection seems pretty selective.

my thoughts:

GB: The Video Game + NO Blu-ray movie = XBOX 360
GB: The Video Game + Blu-ray movie = PS3

see how much it would cost to buy a xbox and blu-ray player together then compare it to the price of a ps3. doesn't hurt to compare prices.

by BeastieRunner

15 years, 9 months ago

I'd go with whatever one your friends are on. Playing games with friend is more fun.

That's my two cents.

by markderidder

15 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for the feedback, and I too do not intend to start a console war with this thread, so there is no need to debate that. I just want to know if there is any plans for a Ghostbusters HD movie download either through netflix or iTunes in the near future. As that is the deciding factor alone for which console I shall buy… as silly as that sounds. Both systems seem great and will play GB:TVG just fine.

To be honest I would rather get the xbox 360 but I REALLY want to watch Ghostbusters in High Definition. Perhaps someone will rip the Blue-ray disc and make it available on bit-torrent (any takers?) If that were the case, then Xbox is the easy choice for me. Of course I'd much rather pay for it and download it through iTunes for my Apple TV.


by jogi82

15 years, 9 months ago

u cant say that console is better than this console!!!!!!!!
its the games that makes the console alive!!!!!!!!!!
and it is hard to campare with more and more multyplatform-titels beeing produced!
remember the days we were all paying psone?
and it is only what “u” spent “ur” money for, not what the friends are playing on!

by thedavetini

15 years, 9 months ago

Go with whatever system you actually want to play games on, I mean I love my x-box and wouldn't trade it for anything.

I system that you'll use alot without blu-ray totally beats out a system that has blu-ray but you only use for one game in my oppinion.

by Zalbag

15 years, 9 months ago

360 is for those kids who like CoD and kill stuff while drinking Energy drinks! WOOT
