Ghostbusters HD movie download?

by megax111

15 years, 8 months ago

I own every console dating back to the NES, so here is my take.

I like Live over PSN, plus I have more friends who own a 360, so I buy all my multiplats on the 360.

Multiplats are generally better on 360 (including GB according to IGN's review,) so I get all multiplats on 360.

If I didn't own a 360 or PS3, I would still buy a 360 since it has the supposed better version of GB, plus I have more friends on 360, so don't want to feel left out.

If I chose a 360, and was trying to stay within 399 bucks, plus tax, I would buy the Pro system (299,) and buy the cheapest Blu Ray player on the market, which I hear is 129 bucks, or cheaper, which would equal out to about the cost of a PS3 after tax.

That is what I would do had I had a lot of friends who are on Live, rather than PSN.

However, I own both systems, so for me it's -

Ghostbusters best version on 360.
Ghostbusters Bluray for my PS3 (Best Buy is selling it for 20 bucks when released next week.)

Hope any of my info helps. Oh and I hate console wars too… They are fake, and started by fanboys who are too broke to be real gamers, so they bash the systems they don't like, instead of just enjoying the system they chose.

by chuckpolzin1

15 years, 8 months ago

the blu ray has already been ripped and is available for download if you know how to use the usenet binaries.

the game im sure will soon follow and will be available for download for those with modded 360s's sometime before the official release.

the ghostbusters file format will be x264 and is basically just like having the blu ray assuming you have a computer that can play this file format and you have an hd connection to your high def tv. I havent tried streaming any of these using a modded xbox yet with tversity but it does work for other high def file formats, not sure about the x264.

so long story short, if you know how to get stuff online then you will be able to watch an hd version of ghostbusters at your command , but its not like any of this is actually legal so

dont do it, lol !!!!

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 8 months ago


hey, i hear ya. it's a tough choice. i own a ps3 and got it for the reason i wanted a next gen console AND Blu-ray player all in one. being a NETFLIX subscriber since October 2007 they do not have HD movie streams in the WATCH INSTANTLY feature and i doubt iTunes will be releasing a HD version of Ghostbusters for download anytime soon. their selection seems pretty selective.

my thoughts:

GB: The Video Game + NO Blu-ray movie = XBOX 360
GB: The Video Game + Blu-ray movie = PS3

see how much it would cost to buy a xbox and blu-ray player together then compare it to the price of a ps3. doesn't hurt to compare prices.

Why can't you watch Netflix in HD? They DO stream HD. Here are articles that say the 360 CAN do HD Netflix (some are older):

The first link talks about great HD video on the 360. Not wanting a console war like been said, but the 360 seems to be the better deal.

by csullivan1980

15 years, 8 months ago

I wasn't aware that they can do HD streams. I've only used the Watch Instantly feature on my MacBook. Netflix isn't available through PS3 (one downside) if it was I'd be watching more movies through that.

It sounds like XBox 360 offers what you want: GB: TVG and HD movie streaming. Sounds like a good choice.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 8 months ago

OH OK, I got ya! Yeah, the HD streams on the stand alone boxes and 360!

by markderidder

15 years, 8 months ago

Decided to pick up an Xbox 360. Great system. Hoping for HD Ghostbusters movie download in the near future.

Gamertag: Guist Buster