You are correct, I am looking for the frightener's director's cut. It was released on laserdisc, but it retailed at 150 dollars. I honestly don't think that any movie is worth THAT price. In response to your question, I have that old fantastic four movie in my possession. The quality is not that good, due to the fact that it was never released, just seen at some conventions. It is pretty cheesy, but fun.
Also, this question is to the gentleman who said that he used to sell the gb II deleted scenes, Would you be willing to sell me a copy of them?
It is not like you don't have them anymore.
I have lots of rare movies that I could trade or sell for that tape!
Ask me for a list!
Also, to the man who wants FF, do you have or know anyone who has the tapes that I am looking for? If so maybe we could trade?
-Thanks again,