Ghostbusters III CGI or NOT CGI

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 10 months ago

I voted undecided as well. I need a little more info, but if it's like the new TMNT then I'll be disappointed.

Btw, in Sci-Fi mag there was an interview with the director of TMNT and he said that the movie needs to make atleast 100 Million in America before they think past that. And personally I think it's going to flop. Turtles are played out, it's not getting any sequels.

by fusi0n1

17 years, 10 months ago

I'm indecided. It looks like it's going to be CG since Bill will never do a live action.

As long as it's good, I'm not fussed either way. Too early to tell at this stage.

by areyouagod2

17 years, 9 months ago

lol i said that turtles would be a flop, i actually went to see it yesterday I fell asleep halfway through but i think id over exerted myself at college had the flu and well had watched 300 beforehand, But i must say the TMNT movie is actually v.good. But it still doesnt change my opinion on GB3 i think that if they are gonna make a movie of GB3 caliber then its gotta be FF Spirits Within style graphics and guess what it aint cheaper that a live action…..

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

lol i said that turtles would be a flop, i actually went to see it yesterday I fell asleep halfway through but i think id over exerted myself at college had the flu and well had watched 300 beforehand, But i must say the TMNT movie is actually v.good. But it still doesnt change my opinion on GB3 i think that if they are gonna make a movie of GB3 caliber then its gotta be FF Spirits Within style graphics and guess what it aint cheaper that a live action…..

Maybe not cheaper, but possibly better value for money.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

lol i said that turtles would be a flop, i actually went to see it yesterday I fell asleep halfway through but i think id over exerted myself at college had the flu and well had watched 300 beforehand, But i must say the TMNT movie is actually v.good. But it still doesnt change my opinion on GB3 i think that if they are gonna make a movie of GB3 caliber then its gotta be FF Spirits Within style graphics and guess what it aint cheaper that a live action…..

300 puts quite a few movies to shame.

by areyouagod2

17 years, 9 months ago

they actually used a lot of neat tricks with computers in 300 cant see why they cant do it for live action plus old gbs rulez

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

300 didn't take place in current day thought. It was filmed entirely against a green and blue screen for their desired results. They were going for ab abstract look and that's exactly what they got.

The same wouldn't work for Ghostbusters because it's in modern day New York. It'd actually be cheaper to film a GB movie on location than in a digital backlot. Only way I'd see them doing any green screen is if it's mo-cap.

by ddayhawk

17 years, 9 months ago

At the moment i have no feeling towards it. I will love to see a new GB movie, Heck ive been talking about GB III since preschool in 88. I just dont know how well its going to work out. I mean i was skeptical at first with Transformers live action but that actually looks good. so hopefully they wont f*ck this one up

actually last time i read it would cost them 150 million dollars to make GB III a few years ago live action. doing CG will greatly drop the price, 300 cost only 60 million to make

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

I'm a fan of M. Bay, I hope he does justice to the Transformers.

Personally, I don't see whats the problem with a budget thats $150. That's like average price these days for a summer blockbuster. Spider-Man 3, X3, and Superman Returns all had budgets around $200 Million. In fact, MI:III's budget was around $150! It's not like Sony can't afford it, they afforded it for Spider-Man.

Then on another note, Batman Forever & Batman & Robin(both in the 90s) had budgets of $100 Mil and + and didn't make anywhere near as much as Ghostbusters did.

People forget how much of a success Ghostbusters was. If you adjust Ghostbusters ticket inflation, it would be close to a billion dollars. One of the most profitable film made if it was around today.

by ddayhawk

17 years, 9 months ago

well maybe they are scared that since all the characters are in their 60's people dont want to see them try to bring back characters that no one has seen in 20 years. i mean Ernie is the only one in good to great shape, everyone else is overweight and fragile. i cant see bill straping on a pack and not breaking something