Ghostbusters III CGI or NOT CGI

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Dan doesn't look bad either.

But yea

but I bet people are still going to see Indy next year.

by ddayhawk

17 years, 9 months ago

but dan still gained weight, no one wants to see him in a jump suit lol


by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

but dan still gained weight, no one wants to see him in a jump suit lol


Indiana Jones 4, ddayhawk.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Indiana Jones, I mean. Ford is past 60

by ddayhawk

17 years, 9 months ago

i never liked the indy movies…never really saw any of them either lol.

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

i never liked the indy movies…never really saw any of them either lol.

Why not? How can you be sure you don't like something if you haven't sat down to properly watch them.

by ddayhawk

17 years, 9 months ago

i dont know, just seeing like parts of the movie of a friends house, or seeing it play on tv does not appeal to me. I dont like the bond movies either so you guys can yell at me for that one lol

by areyouagod2

17 years, 9 months ago

Talking about people over 60's doing 80 remakes or sequels

We have the as mentioend Indiana Jones 4 (Indiana Jones is in my top 5 you cant hate em…. gawd)

Rocky 6 came out last year

Rambo 4 is due out next year.

Ill find more oldies going back to there old stuff..

But 80's nostalgia is back and Bill Murray no offence to the guy doesnt realise there is not thousands but millions of Ghostbusters fans out there, I mean tons, people rave and rant about Ghostbusters II being crap but hands up who has it on dvd, blu ray or HD. We dont care of age, ive spoke to a few about it on other forums and on chats, and in the real world lol, and they think two movies that were live action going to a CGI just calls “Disaster” and to be honest i really am regretting to think Dan is doing a bad thing here, I really wanna see a Ghostbusters III but live act to CGI says disaster on it…

If i win the lottery ill pay bill 10 million pound to do it live action thats rougly 15-16 million dollars, so all wish i have a good lottery ticket :-)

by areyouagod2

17 years, 9 months ago

by newrecruit1

17 years, 9 months ago

just seeing like parts of the movie of a friends house, or seeing it play on tv does not appeal to me. I dont like the bond movies either

All taste are in nature. Wait a few years, it can change. Oh and maybe not… oh hell and who knows :-)

About TMNT, it is a flop for the hardcore fans (it's not the same concept, and like batman, when you use it too much or change its personnality, you destroy everything or you kill the interest). But it's still a great movie for the kids and a good movie for the “flexible fans”… which I'm not, well, not for Ghostbusters… ok ok, maybe a tiny little bit… but… man, I'm scared; GB3 is like a coin: you don't know if it will fall on the side you wish for.

If it's goin to be like TMNT, I won't even go see it. I had enough with GB2. GB2 is… ok, but far away from the mature side I want it to be. Far away from the mature side that the original GB has.

I don't want it to be like final fantasy, or they better work alot with the shadows and the details to make it flesh and blood (they can do it).

“300” has great FX. Look at “The Crow”, the story lives in the night. GB3 can be realy frightening and thrilling, if they want (no no, I'm not talking about drugs, crimes and their violence, but the darkside*). In that environment, it can throw everything we want (*peter)

It's up to them to build what they know we will like.
“GHOSTBUSTERS” has this unique and fantastique concept that influenced our childhood to our belief today: GHOSTS, SPIRITS, The Live After Death, then: the meaning of life itself! Do they realy understand (Dan, Ramis, Sony, the movie industry) the potential of this simple “family-movie”. It can be a BLOCKBUSTER!

They don't need to do a story about that “meaning of life”, but they can burst a part of the dimension we are condemned to see, “as a living”, to expose a glimpse of this parallel world (the world of the spirit), where an infernal duel between good and bad spirits rages on, destroying the balance, allowing the condemned to haunt our world.

We can even put Gozer and Vigo with followers (souls and/or entity made of negative energy) as responsible. In GB2, the negative slime, weakened by the population, just flew to “we don't know where”. We can imagine that this negative “cancer” just became part of our own environment, invisible like moisture, poisoning our world with us. Something we ignore… until the time to strike returns, terrifying. Earth turns into hell , no more day light, and monstruous ghosts and paranormal activity everywhere. To survive, the ghostbusters will need to enter this spiritual dimension and, with their help (destroying entities made of negative energy, while fighting Gozer and Vigo's power), the balance will recover and the spiritual world will fight back against the condemned (bad ghosts); a brutal wave of light covering the shadowy wave, puting the darkside where it belongs, restoring the dimensions in a blinding flash of light. Suddenly everything is back to normal, like nothing happened, the GB looking at themself in a street. No more ghost will happen, from the time being; we will now know why the GB was created in our world, the spiritual world has influenced them at creating a technology capable of restoring the balance (it was written).

Nothing more… oh and why not: the protonpack concept will be turned into a new technology: engines for vehicles :p lol.

But it's scary, that project is a COIN, they better study carefully its structure and the objective, like the scientists in Jules Verne's “Earth to the Moon”, or they will miss it. Ghostbusters will end remembered as a lost satellite in space. And that… that is not cool.

its a video game |

Oh my God! AreYouAGod, I love you!
You know that? I love you!
I love youtube!
And I love you all!
Man, that moodslime is great!

Ok let's get serious… I LOVE YOU! :-)
Ok Ok, I stop.
Hey think about it, if Tomb Raider became a movie,
that GB3 game may open Sony's eyes at allowing Mr.Aykroyd everything for a new movie!

And Mr. Aykroyd… are you a Gooo-o-o-o-od? :-)