Ghostbusters III Game!

by drugasbuster

21 years, 10 months ago

i realy look forward to see an origial plot to a gb3… i think we should stop the fan work on gb3, but thats just me, maybeim wrong

by brian_reilly

21 years, 10 months ago


by weirdguy

21 years, 10 months ago

Hey, how about some details as to what exactly your game will be? It sounds cool, and those models look nice.

by wingsnut25

21 years, 10 months ago

I know I have seen those before, I dont think they are original,

Or I could be wrong all together…

by BritishGB

21 years, 10 months ago

A, these models ARE original…They where created with Poser, as I don't have the time to sit down and start working with 3D Studio Max…(if you haven't noticed, I didn't have much time to visit the site for the past 20 days) I am 16 years old and I got loots of exams to write at school!!!

B, I will continue working with the game during this summer…I promise I'll do my best!

C, HELP! I NEED actors!!! Got a voice familiar to a gb actor and a microphone as well? Email me at!


x 3 (Father, Son, Holy Ghost)

In the movie, Devil lost all his power in 1 A.D when Jesus was born. So, he was gaining power every 666. When he gained enough power to be somehow equal to the God,Jesus and the Holy Ghost, he would attack us humans and after he turns us into his slaves, he would attempt to attack god…
But he forgot something…The Ghostbusters!
That's what I believe the script would be about…So, the game will be based on that story…

P.S Personally I don't believe that Devil will ever be as powerful as God…After all, Devil is His creation, isn't he?

by PenguinKing

21 years, 10 months ago


by jodan12

21 years, 10 months ago

very good

by cowboyspike

21 years, 10 months ago

Hey Brit. How will the gameplay turn out? Will the game look and play like GTA3 or what and what about catching and trapping ghosts?

by weirdguy

21 years, 9 months ago

HOAX!!! I'm sorry, I don't seriously consider this to be a hoax, but that's how I'm gonna label it until we get some new info. For instance, gameplay, engine, programming language, anything at all. Is that too much to ask? We don't even know what genre this game is (action, fps, rpg, adventure, etc.), so why should we just blindly accept this as true? Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh, but this lack of relevant information is making me frustrated, and I just wanted to demonstrate the kinds of problems it creates. All we have are pictures of some models done in poser and a mention that the game will be worked on this summer. These do not a game make.

by GhostBustersIV

21 years, 9 months ago

Hope it isn't an FPS game cause it should be an GB Doom copy cat, hope it's an isometric view game, like Age of Empires, u control a gb, whit the left mouse button you shoot a proton stream and whit the right button you throw the trap. That should be very cool.
Also it could have some levels in wich you have slime blowers, or bonus levels of you driving the Ecto-1A!

BTW: Hope this fan-game has some humor, remember that GB is a comedy.

Anyways, Good luck whit that fan game! :s

BTW(yea once again): You're gonna sell the game? Thats whit I did read on, don't you think that you can get in some serious copyright problems?
