Ghostbusters III: Just the originals or a New team?

by jackbtripper

15 years, 6 months ago

I have always felt kind of betrayed that they didn’t make a 3rd Ghostbusters in the 90’s.

After the first Ghostbusters I never expected another film and I was just ecstatic to see the cartoon in 86 but when the 2nd film popped up in 89 I thought awesome every 4 or 5 years they will make another one or at least one more. And all through the 90’s I waited and nothing.

When Dan Aykroyd started calling the game the 3rd film I thought I would be fine with that but instead it has brought all these feelings back from childhood and I can’t wait for the next one.

I don’t know why but I can’t help but feeling the originals should be a trilogy. Maybe finish up their story in the next one and maybe hint at the new guys coming in or maybe even cameos but I think this next film should be for the originals.

Then make a ton of films with the new Ghostbusters.

by Vinz-2206

15 years, 6 months ago

When Dan Aykroyd started calling the game the 3rd film I thought I would be fine with that but instead it has brought all these feelings back from childhood and I can’t wait for the next one.

Same with me. I had pretty much gave up on GB3, but the recent revival of Ghostbusters has made me want to see it again in a big way.

I also agree it would have been great to have a third back in the 90s.

by Popey

15 years, 6 months ago

I would rather see the original guys, though i know that they need to pass the torch, its just a shame to see them do it.

A new film is good, cause imagine all the stuff that could come with it, new toys, new comics, new cartoon show, but if its all based on the new film than it will be based on the new characters, it just seems to me like a waste of the guys that we all know and love.

Im just not ready to move on yet, it just seems like the end, i dont want it to end…

by GhostBusters95

15 years, 6 months ago

I say they do the film witht he originals and then at the end, bring in this big new team…

by Ghostbuster-Adem

15 years, 6 months ago

Agreed, I would finally love the idea of them all getting together one last time to do what they have always done. Kick ghost ass. Sure bring in a new team, bring in new toys, bring in a new threat. But I want the elder team to take the spot light and do what they do best. Then as Gb95 stated, have them hand the tourch to another generation of kids/young adults that want to keep the company stable enough to make a name for them selfs in the vast and exciting world of paranormal investigations and eliminations

by GhostBusters95

15 years, 6 months ago

Agreed, I would finally love the idea of them all getting together one last time to do what they have always done. Kick ghost ass. Sure bring in a new team, bring in new toys, bring in a new threat. But I want the elder team to take the spot light and do what they do best. Then as Gb95 stated, have them hand the tourch to another generation of kids/young adults that want to keep the company stable enough to make a name for them selfs in the vast and exciting world of paranormal investigations and eliminations

or even maybe, showing them come out and become the new gb's AFTER the credits…