Ghostbusters III: Just the originals or a New team?

by batman2

15 years, 7 months ago

It's actually Dan Ackroyd, Harold Ramis and Bill Murray who have been pushing the new younger recruits in all the interviews I have seen. They are all pushing towards 60 now and only Ernie Hudson looks young. There is no way that in real life or make believe that you would expect them still to be busting Ghosts at there age, just look at how bad Indie 4 was.

I would of expected them to of moved on a bit, but not too far like they did in GB2, mind you they were forced to in GB2 as they were shut down. I would of thought that after a few years they would of made enough money to hire people to do there work for them.
They then should of moved on in there own lives like get married had kids, woked in other areas like research & Development and running there Franchises. Then you can pick up in GB3 with some story which would feature the original GB's having to help out a new supernatural problem.
They also need to move away from the usual formulae that they tried to copy in GB2 from GB1 (the whole Stay Puft & Statue Of Liberty endings).
You don't want to sit there and see similar plot points and events from previous films. The thing I liked from the first film was that they gradually ramped up the tension and action from each scene to scene, just when you thought that must be it they can't top that, then something else happens.
The story and characters need to be good, you should not try and include everyone from the previous 2 films if they have nothing to add to the story to progress it. When you think that the film will be like 2 hours long you have to have enough dialogue and story for the characters in the new film, simply swamping it with too many actors will not give enough time for each person to have enough screen time.

I would be happy if the new recruits were mid 30's and older, I to think that very young so called stars like Shia just can't cut it.

Damn! just noticed I started to go into a bit of a ramble there, lol.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 7 months ago

I can live with new recruits in their mid 30's… I just don't want it to turn into 90210.

I guess I agree but I would like to see my guys back in action too.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 7 months ago

i agree with you excpet with the ages, i dont think it woud be to bad to see someone in the upper 20's (26-30), i dont know who but that just seems right to me.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 7 months ago

i agree with you excpet with the ages, i dont think it woud be to bad to see someone in the upper 20's (26-30), i dont know who but that just seems right to me.

Possibly with the right casting but it’s just tricky. Ghostbusters is somewhat about grown men acting like kids and being forced to grow up and be heroes. When you start casting twenty something’s it turns into a different movie… Kids being kids or a coming of age story… that’s not Ghostbusters. But it could be done with the right casting (I don’t know who ether). The Ghostbusters should probably be Doctors though.

P.S. remember Harold was 40 when ghostbusters came out and the rest in their 30's.

by batman2

15 years, 7 months ago

Exactly, if you think about it the age group in there early 20's (90210 gen) was what the 2 students were being tested by Venkman in GB1, so that would be the wrong age.

What we also have to take in to account is what actors do we know today that are the same age and calibre of actor as Harold, Dan & Bill were in GB1.

We are looking for actors who have done at least 3 good comedies, then you look at things like how the guys were all Saturday Night Live veterans.

The actors of yesterday were just of a higher calibre than those of today.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 7 months ago

Exactly, if you think about it the age group in there early 20's (90210 gen) was what the 2 students were being tested by Venkman in GB1, so that would be the wrong age.

What we also have to take in to account is what actors do we know today that are the same age and calibre of actor as Harold, Dan & Bill were in GB1.

We are looking for actors who have done at least 3 good comedies, then you look at things like how the guys were all Saturday Night Live veterans.

The actors of yesterday were just of a higher calibre than those of today.

Very good point I think that Chemistry and History has a lot to do with it too. Think about the fact that Ivan had already worked on several successful films with Harold and Bill. Bill and Dan and Harold all worked together at Second City.

We already knew the characters. Before the movie even started we already knew that Bill was the leader, Dan the sweet one and Harold was the “serious” “smart” one.

I think you would need a group of “known” actors that had worked together. The only people I could think of would be the “Frat pack” but I don’t know if they could pull off semi serious acting.

by Psyche

15 years, 7 months ago

There would have to be new members at least because as much as I hate it, the guys are getting on a bit, but I think it'd be important that the originals were still present.

I don't think modern actors are very good. The only group of actors who I think work well together, make me laugh and can actually act are Rogen, Segel, Hill, Rudd, etc but if you had them all together the film would just seem like another Apatow “dude” film. Tbh, Bill Murray is just a legend so filling his shoes would be tough for anyone.

I hope there is a female Ghostbuster but I hope she isn't just there to be looked at. A character with a PhD who actually knows her stuff. Lucy Lawless is great at comedy, she's extremely subtle, so she'd be great. She'd also make a believable scientist as she's very pretty but in a natural way and doesn't cake her face with make-up (which I doubt a Ghostbuster would do).

by Yehome

15 years, 6 months ago


by Kojak

15 years, 6 months ago



Great show!

What about the guys from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

by batman2

15 years, 6 months ago



A great show, but I would only choose the 2 on the left in the picture above as they seem to have more talent.