Ghostbusters III on

by slimehead1

19 years, 2 months ago

i don't know if this has been posted or not, but

it was also on the diggnation podcast for November 10, 2005

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 2 months ago

I'm looking at the comments on the page… Why in god's name is it SO hard for everyone to understand that it ISNT GOING TO HAPPEN? thye keep restating the same thing and someone on thee who seems to know what they're talking about keeps knocking them back and posting the ORIGINAL article that shows Ramis saying its dead. seriously guys, LET IT GO, the movie isnt happening now and probably never will.

by DocHoliday

19 years, 2 months ago

Yeah I post under the name of thecrow and I also was trying to explain to them that the article was edited to make it seem as it was an active project. My biggest hope is with these major news outlets jumping the gun that it will draw attention to Sony and make them think about the possibility of a GB3.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 2 months ago

Doc Holiday
My biggest hope is with these major news outlets jumping the gun that it will draw attention to Sony and make them think about the possibility of a GB3.
That's what the best bit about all of this is.
Hopefully this story may be one of those ones that ‘do the round’s so to speak, every few years it will happen again and again. I would only want a third one if it's done right though.