Ghostbusters iii script approved!!!

by RoyStontz

14 years, 5 months ago

Hi guys,
I'm from GB Italy, an italian franchise.
Last saturday in Rome we organized the first italian GB Day, with the movie's italian dubbers and some Sony people.
Here what they had to say about Ghostbusters III:

“I spoke about this night* with my boss from Los Angeles. She allowed me to let you know that the script of Ghostbusters 3 has been approved so the engine has been turned on!”
*(Ghostbusters Day Rome, october 9 2010)

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

Hmmm… I'm inclined to not trust this lady, since the announcement would be bigger than a small convention, but its possible I suppose.

by RoyStontz

14 years, 5 months ago

well…“this lady” was one of the Sony big heads and before letting us revealing the news she mailed us an official autorization

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

well…“this lady” was one of the Sony big heads and before letting us revealing the news she mailed us an official autorization

What's her name? And can you post a copy of the official authorization?

by RoyStontz

14 years, 5 months ago

The Sony's spokeperson that revealed the news is Stefano Paganini. Go at to see his role in Sony

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

The website doesn't seem to offer anything more than what you've said here.

Any official authorization that you have about this would go a long way towards helping with people's skepticism.

I'm not calling you out or anything, just always skeptical about news that isn't on very big news sites.

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

Dan Aykroyd has Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 has the Green Light and he said that Bill Murray likes the GB3 Script just fine because Bill was Lying about him not liking the Script. Dan said that Bill likes the GB3 Script just fine and the Camera's are ready to Roll! The 4 Original GB's are in GB3 and they will be Training a new Team to help them out! This GB3 Info. is Correct because Dan Confirmed last week that GB3 has the Green LIght! He said that the GB3 Script is Very Very Good! Party time for Ghostbusters 3!!!

Ghostbusters 3 will only be made in the U.S.A.! It won't be made out of the U.S.A. and Filming will be in New York and different cities of the U.S.A.! Why would somebody who lives out of the U.S.A. knows Sony? Sony only does U.S.A. movies not out of the U.S.A. Movies! The Movie is a Go because Dan Confirmed that! It's set for a Christmas Day release in 2012!!!

Sorry Roy because you spoked w/ your Boss in LA so I'm gald that you have the right Info. because Dan Confirmed that GB3 is a GO!!! Filming will only be filmed in the U.S.A. and that's Awesome so if that Guy becomes a Ghostbuster that will be Cool! ( Your Boss is a Lady from LA!)

by theling

14 years, 5 months ago

Well…. the naysayers now have considerably less nay to say… today.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

Not necessarily. I mean, Bill Murray could still sink the project. But it is good to hear that they finally have a scrip that they think is good enough to move forward in the production cycle.

by RoyStontz

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;166199
Dan Aykroyd has Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 has the Green Light and he said that Bill Murray likes the GB3 Script just fine because Bill was Lying about him not liking the Script. Dan said that Bill likes the GB3 Script just fine and the Camera's are ready to Roll! The 4 Original GB's are in GB3 and they will be Training a new Team to help them out! This GB3 Info. is Correct because Dan Confirmed last week that GB3 has the Green LIght! He said that the GB3 Script is Very Very Good! Party time for Ghostbusters 3!!!

Ghostbusters 3 will only be made in the U.S.A.! It won't be made out of the U.S.A. and Filming will be in New York and different cities of the U.S.A.! Why would somebody who lives out of the U.S.A. knows Sony? Sony only does U.S.A. movies not out of the U.S.A. Movies! The Movie is a Go because Dan Confirmed that! It's set for a Christmas Day release in 2012!!!

Sorry Roy because you spoked w/ your Boss in LA so I'm gald that you have the right Info. because Dan Confirmed that GB3 is a GO!!! Filming will only be filmed in the U.S.A. and that's Awesome so if that Guy becomes a Ghostbuster that will be Cool! ( Your Boss is a Lady from LA!)

Point 1: Dan didn't said that GB3 is a go.
Point 2: Gb3 WILL be filmed in the USA. I live in Italy and I KNOW Sony, because here we have SONY's tv, SONY's dvds…damn it, we have the italian Sony's site where they develop and sell in Italy the USA stuff. So, an italian Sony's guy called his boss in the USA and she told him about GB3.
Point 3: that was NOT MY BOSS.

Ooze him , please.