Ghostbusters iii script approved!!!

by heslimedme251

14 years, 5 months ago

Do cinemas even open on Christmas day? I mean sure Boxing Day, but Christmas Day? I'd say they're aiming for a Boxing Day 2012 release! In fact, I'm gonna spread lies and rumours about this on IMDB right now. That'll teach people for reading everything on the internet as fact. Bwahahahahaha!

Ahem. Back On Topic: I would take anything heard from anyone (even those that work at Sony) with a grain of salt. So many rumours have been flying around for so many years that the mere mention of Ghostbusters 3 starts people regurgitating them as fact. If I hear the words “I hear there's going to be another Ghostbusters movie next year!”, one more time…i swear i'm going to go insane(rer)!

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 4 months ago

Roy Dan Aykroyd has already Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 is a GO before the Person told you in LA! Dan Aykroyd Promises that there will be a Ghostbusters 3 and this Info. Prooves that! Check up on Dan's GB3 INfo! The Theaters are open on Holidays such as Christmas because GB3 will be in Theaters on Christmas Day 2012, the 4th of July, Labor Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day. Familes likes seeing movies on Holidays because that's what People do if they don't have plans for different Holidays. I'm Thrilled that Ghostbusters 3 is Happening! Finally!!!

Today it's been Confirmed that the Ghostbusters 3 script is Complete and it's ready for Production!!! Party Time for Ghostbusters 3!!!

by theling

14 years, 4 months ago

I am troubled by strange voices in the middle of the night. In addition, I experience dread in my attic. Seems like there's some people I should call.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 4 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;166223
Roy Dan Aykroyd has already Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 is a GO before the Person told you in LA! Dan Aykroyd Promises that there will be a Ghostbusters 3 and this Info. Prooves that! Check up on Dan's GB3 INfo! The Theaters are open on Holidays such as Christmas because GB3 will be in Theaters on Christmas Day 2012, the 4th of July, Labor Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day. Familes likes seeing movies on Holidays because that's what People do if they don't have plans for different Holidays. I'm Thrilled that Ghostbusters 3 is Happening! Finally!!!

Today it's been Confirmed that the Ghostbusters 3 script is Complete and it's ready for Production!!! Party Time for Ghostbusters 3!!!

what is up with you dude

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 4 months ago

what is up with you dude

He's a f**king idiot.

by jojofio

14 years, 4 months ago

He's a f**king idiot.

I award you 50pts for this comment

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 4 months ago

I award you 50pts for this comment

do points make us better ghostbusters(*winston)

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 4 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;166223
Roy Dan Aykroyd has already Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 is a GO before the Person told you in LA! Dan Aykroyd Promises that there will be a Ghostbusters 3 and this Info. Prooves that! Check up on Dan's GB3 INfo! The Theaters are open on Holidays such as Christmas because GB3 will be in Theaters on Christmas Day 2012, the 4th of July, Labor Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day. Familes likes seeing movies on Holidays because that's what People do if they don't have plans for different Holidays. I'm Thrilled that Ghostbusters 3 is Happening! Finally!!!

Today it's been Confirmed that the Ghostbusters 3 script is Complete and it's ready for Production!!! Party Time for Ghostbusters 3!!!

Please just go play on the nearest interstate.

Do cinemas even open on Christmas day? I mean sure Boxing Day, but Christmas Day? I'd say they're aiming for a Boxing Day 2012 release! In fact, I'm gonna spread lies and rumours about this on IMDB right now. That'll teach people for reading everything on the internet as fact. Bwahahahahaha!

Ahem. Back On Topic: I would take anything heard from anyone (even those that work at Sony) with a grain of salt. So many rumours have been flying around for so many years that the mere mention of Ghostbusters 3 starts people regurgitating them as fact. If I hear the words “I hear there's going to be another Ghostbusters movie next year!”, one more time…i swear i'm going to go insane(rer)!

Yes theaters are open on Christmas day (in my area at least) as I travel to my aunts each year about 45 minutes away and I see people watching movies here an there at the theaters, not much but some.

I agree on the grain of salt. This is all bs to me until Sony say “YES, it is greenlit!”. Until then my pile of salt is sitting here…..

by jojofio

14 years, 4 months ago

do points make us better ghostbusters(*winston)

Yea when you get to 1 million you get to open your own franchise…what, you didnt get that in the employee handbook?

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;166223
Roy Dan Aykroyd has already Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 is a GO before the Person told you in LA! Dan Aykroyd Promises that there will be a Ghostbusters 3 and this Info. Prooves that! Check up on Dan's GB3 INfo! The Theaters are open on Holidays such as Christmas because GB3 will be in Theaters on Christmas Day 2012, the 4th of July, Labor Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day. Familes likes seeing movies on Holidays because that's what People do if they don't have plans for different Holidays. I'm Thrilled that Ghostbusters 3 is Happening! Finally!!!

Today it's been Confirmed that the Ghostbusters 3 script is Complete and it's ready for Production!!! Party Time for Ghostbusters 3!!!

Patrick, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.