Ghostbusters iii script approved!!!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 4 months ago

Dr. V for the win!

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 4 months ago

Kingpin fix this forum! I can't put my boot through my screen to kick Ghostbusters Rocks in the nuts. Plz fix!

by Kingpin

14 years, 4 months ago

Kingpin fix this forum! I can't put my boot through my screen to kick Ghostbusters Rocks in the nuts. Plz fix!

I've left several messages trying to get in contact with Chad, but I haven't had any response yet, and unfortunately contacting Chad directly is my only option.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 4 months ago

Yea when you get to 1 million you get to open your own franchise…what, you didnt get that in the employee handbook?

(*_*):-OOH YEAH !!!!!!!!!! I need to start getting points:-)

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 4 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;166199
Dan Aykroyd has Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 has the Green Light and he said that Bill Murray likes the GB3 Script just fine because Bill was Lying about him not liking the Script. Dan said that Bill likes the GB3 Script just fine and the Camera's are ready to Roll! The 4 Original GB's are in GB3 and they will be Training a new Team to help them out! This GB3 Info. is Correct because Dan Confirmed last week that GB3 has the Green LIght! He said that the GB3 Script is Very Very Good! Party time for Ghostbusters 3!!!

Ghostbusters 3 will only be made in the U.S.A.! It won't be made out of the U.S.A. and Filming will be in New York and different cities of the U.S.A.! Why would somebody who lives out of the U.S.A. knows Sony? Sony only does U.S.A. movies not out of the U.S.A. Movies! The Movie is a Go because Dan Confirmed that! It's set for a Christmas Day release in 2012!!!

Sorry Roy because you spoked w/ your Boss in LA so I'm gald that you have the right Info. because Dan Confirmed that GB3 is a GO!!! Filming will only be filmed in the U.S.A. and that's Awesome so if that Guy becomes a Ghostbuster that will be Cool! ( Your Boss is a Lady from LA!)

ghostbusters rocks, I think we all like ghostbusters just as much as you do, or we wouldn't be on this site. Making up stuff doesn't really help anyone, and trust me i want ghostbusters 3 to happen just as much as you do. Why do you think saying things like this will give the movie a better chance to be made. Personally i think it does more harm than good because people wont believe anything said about the project, they will think they are bogus. Some rumors may be true but how can anyone tell the difference between the real and the made up. We all understand your anxiety, but please for the sake of ghostbusters (LOL) stop your ranting and raving


by gbfan11

14 years, 4 months ago

(*rant) I don't know who's right or who's wrong, all I see is people arguing and fighting about ghostbusters. May I ask why? We all love ghostbusters or we wouldn't be here. I stop by here everyday just to check if there is any new gb3 news and I don't like to see someone making up gb3 stories (if that is what's going on) and I don't like to see about 10 “regulars” picking on one person. It seems like some people have to prove that they are the biggest ghostbusters fan or something. I don't claim to have an authetic looking proton pack that lights up and make sounds, but I do love ghostbusters and am excited about the potetial third movie. In parting, can we please keep the arguing to another thread and leave the gb3 news to the this thread? Now excuse me I'm gonna go have sex with my girlfriend, maybe some of you should do the same and find one for yourself. Who knows you might like it!!!

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

(*rant) I don't know who's right or who's wrong, all I see is people arguing and fighting about ghostbusters. May I ask why? We all love ghostbusters or we wouldn't be here. I stop by here everyday just to check if there is any new gb3 news and I don't like to see someone making up gb3 stories (if that is what's going on) and I don't like to see about 10 “regulars” picking on one person. It seems like some people have to prove that they are the biggest ghostbusters fan or something. I don't claim to have an authetic looking proton pack that lights up and make sounds, but I do love ghostbusters and am excited about the potetial third movie. In parting, can we please keep the arguing to another thread and leave the gb3 news to the this thread? Now excuse me I'm gonna go have sex with my girlfriend, maybe some of you should do the same and find one for yourself. Who knows you might like it!!!

So you don't like to see the regulars picking on a person who is not a fan, but simply a troll who is out to make trouble (which you would know if you stop in here every day), but you're fine with you picking on the entire board by suggesting that no one has sex with their girlfriend while at the same time trying to make yourself seem cooler than the rest of us?

Got it.

by slimer3881

14 years, 4 months ago

Gbfan#1, the reason behind this, is because we have spam-worthy nutballs that post the same damn rumors again and again or even NEW ones they make up etc.. it gets tiring reading it, so we try to reason with them and correct their knowledge, not that the world will end if the wrong rumors are spread all across the internet, it'll be clarified by the officials anyway in good time.

But in the meantime, its just nice to keep the board clean from the same arguments over and over and over. its not the ‘regulars’ fault that they just want to try and inform people with the correct info, its the opposing poster feeling ‘attacked’ that starts most of the trouble.

Anyway, I'm gonna call my girlfriend over and get a BJ, i think i might like it.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 4 months ago

gbfan#1, I didn't know your girlfriend could be in too places at once. :-O

Oh snap. I went there.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 4 months ago

gbfan#1, I didn't know your girlfriend could be in too places at once. :-O

Oh snap. I went there.

you go girlfriend (snaps fingers)