Ghostbusters iii script approved!!!

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 4 months ago

I've left several messages trying to get in contact with Chad, but I haven't had any response yet, and unfortunately contacting Chad directly is my only option.

Damn it, oh well keep trying with the boot.

gbfan#1 we the regular don't need this SHIT. This asshole is making this forum hell. I argue with Dr. Venkman and Kingpin, but at the end of the day we are all ghostheads and love this forum and Ghostbusters. This f**ker spams, and mocks Ghostbusters and this site. Not cool.

by Kingpin

14 years, 4 months ago

Mind the language, no need to lower ourselves to Patrick's level, no matter how deserving of it he is.

gbfan#1, we all love Ghostbusters, but there are those who make everyday life on the forum much harder, Patrick is one of those. We're all obssessed with the franchise to a certain degree, if we weren't, we wouldn't be here, but all he ever talks about is Ghostbusters 3, he almost exclusively posts in Ghostbusters 3 sub-forum of this site, and he's been doing it so long now that we can predict certain elements of what he writes whenever he posts a new reply. We cannot conduct any sort of Ghostbusters 3 discussion without him offering his 2 dollar's worth of insight into why the movie is going to happen, and how we're all wrong… regardless of how patentedly rediculous his claims and “proof” appear to be.

Imagine having to deal with his posts for years, because that's what we've had to deal with. We tried to be reasonable, but after years of having to deal with him, and being on the receiving end of his abuse whenever we contradict him, he's earned the lashback he's getting. Maybe we should try to be better about it then he is, but he is an extremely aggrovating individual, and his conduct and conversation lowers the quality of everything else around him.

To put it simply, he is not the kind of Ghostbusters fan any forum would want to have. It's not about “prooving” who the bigger fan is.

And as a note, don't ever pull that “girlfriend” remark again, as it does not endear you to anyone else on the forum.

I recommend everyone just try their best to ignore his antics until such time that it's been confirmed that he's been rebanned.

by devilmanozzy1

14 years, 4 months ago

gbfan#1, we all love Ghostbusters, but there are those who make everyday life on the forum much harder, Patrick is one of those. We're all obssessed with the franchise to a certain degree, if we weren't, we wouldn't be here, but all he ever talks about is Ghostbusters 3, he almost exclusively posts in Ghostbusters 3 sub-forum of this site, and he's been doing it so long now that we can predict certain elements of what he writes whenever he posts a new reply. We cannot conduct any sort of Ghostbusters 3 discussion without him offering his 2 dollar's worth of insight into why the movie is going to happen, and how we're all wrong… regardless of how patentedly rediculous his claims and “proof” appear to be.

Had someone like Patrick at Ghostbusters Wiki last year pushing “One Canon” which ment the cartoons and the movies all fit together no matter what any of the materials said. I banned him a year.

Anyways, this mess is why I haven't been posting here much the last month or so.

by gbfan11

14 years, 4 months ago

Sorry if I offended anybody with my last post. I am not here to make enemies or even friends for that matter, I just want to find out the latest info. I have felt for a couple of years now that this site is a great place for up date info on the gb franchise, so cheers to it's creators. I have noticed that this patrick person gets everyone fired up with everything he has said, which I didn't really understand. If he is guilty of all of the things that he has been accused of then, do as you will. This will be my last post untill we get some real news, but I will stop by here and check things out. Like I said cheers to the creator.

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 4 months ago

Kingpin I'm Not Obsessed with Ghostbusters 3! I Have a Life! You Don't belive me or Dan or a rep from Sony! My God your a Fucking Dumbass and you have your Loser Friends Brainwashed calling me a Bad Guy which I'm Not! I'm a Cool Guy and I Don't cause Trouble like you do because I Know better! My Parents taught me right and I Feel Very Sorry for your Parents because there Son ( You) is Fucked UP Retarded! Sony Confirms that the GB3 Script has been Approved and you still want to argue! My God Get Help because you and your Friends need Major Help! I'm a Good Guy so Back Off because you would be in a Hospital if you lived in the U.S.A. because your Ass No Doubt has been Beating many times because you Always cause Trouble! Take a Hike Loser because Your not a GB Fan so your making up Everything as you go along! Shame On You!

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 4 months ago

Well GBFan#1 Please Listen to me! A Sony Rep has already confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 is Happening and the Script has been approved. When you listen to Ben King he brainwashes you and you belive him and not me. He's a Retard and he needs Major Help! It's Been Confirmed first from Dan Aykroyd then from a Sony Rep and Ben still wants to argue with me and call me names. The Movie is Happening and it's about time and Kingpin isn't a GB Fan he's a Phonie! Phonie's would make up more lies after Sony Confirms that GB3 is Happening! Check out the GB3 Info because it's Finally Happening for a Christmas Day release in 2012 and Filming begans Next Spring 2011!

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 4 months ago

Kingpin the Lies are from You Not Me! I Don't cause Crap You Do! Your making me Laugh because your an Idiot!

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 4 months ago

Sorry if I offended anybody with my last post. I am not here to make enemies or even friends for that matter, I just want to find out the latest info. I have felt for a couple of years now that this site is a great place for up date info on the gb franchise, so cheers to it's creators. I have noticed that this patrick person gets everyone fired up with everything he has said, which I didn't really understand. If he is guilty of all of the things that he has been accused of then, do as you will. This will be my last post untill we get some real news, but I will stop by here and check things out. Like I said cheers to the creator.

Yes he is a pain. I didn't catch you girlfriend post but not to beat a dead horse, saying that is being like Patrick and some, like me, are happily married and don't need girlfriends.

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 4 months ago

Listen I have a Girlfriend and I'm Thrilled about that! The both of you are Idiots calling me names and saying that I'm causing Trouble. Wrong are You! Kingpin is causing Trouble because he has Nothing else to do like you beliving his Crap! Ghostbusters 3 is Happening and if you 2 Losers don't belive me or Dan or the Sony Rep then that's your saying! I have a Life and you 2 Idiots don't! Get Major Help the both of you!

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 4 months ago

Sandman you and Kingpin are a Pain Not Me! Your making me laugh with your Lies because your saying that about yourselves! I Swear the Both of you match and need Help before your Brains explodes and oose out of your ears! Why Drama from you 2 Losers? GB3 has been annouced from A Sony Rep to tell the Real GB Fans that the GB3 script has been approved and you 2 Losers still want to argue Why?