As much as he says he doesn't want to be involved or doesn't want to be remembered solely as Peter Venkman, he sure has done a lot lately as Venkman. I just want to see the movie made.
I AGREE (*peter)
14 years, 4 months ago
As much as he says he doesn't want to be involved or doesn't want to be remembered solely as Peter Venkman, he sure has done a lot lately as Venkman. I just want to see the movie made.
14 years, 4 months ago
As much as he says he doesn't want to be involved or doesn't want to be remembered solely as Peter Venkman, he sure has done a lot lately as Venkman.
14 years, 4 months ago
Peter Venkmen;166608
Well there has been a lot of Ghosbusters related stuff happening lately, a lot more than before. The game, the toys from Mattel, the comic, the franchise has been on a higher point than it has in years.
14 years, 4 months ago
and im loving every lit bit of it. so many ghostbusters deprived years in my life, NOT ANYMORE
14 years, 4 months ago
Ivo Shandor;166915
Dude, you just said a mouthful!!
And yes, GB3 *will* be made. Whether Bill Murray wants it to be made or not. It will just be made a lot sooner with his approval.
And these are good times for a Ghosthead.
14 years, 4 months ago
14 years, 4 months ago
Doctor Venkman;166916
You do realize that Bill Murray owns 20% of the franchise and if he doesn't want it to happen, that's that. Its not a “whether he wants to or not” situation. If he says “you can't make it” then they can't make it, end of story.
14 years, 4 months ago
Ivo Shandor;166923
As I've said before, what Bill Murray wants is ultimately meaningless.
Now, I want GBIII to be made, and made soon…but if it takes waiting until Bill passes on, then so be it. The movie will be made eventually. Either with Bill's blessing, the blessing of his heirs, or the blessing of whomever purchases those 20% rights from the Murray estate.
Saying otherwise is naive, like people who insist there will never be more Star Wars movies made “because George Lucas doesn't want them made”. Why in the world do they think George Lucas's opinion matters in the least? In 20, 30, 40, 50 years, the people and/or companies who own the rights to Star Wars will make more movies. I guarantee it, simple economics.
14 years, 4 months ago
^^ fair enough, Doctor Venkman although please consider this:
If Bill Murray wants and end to the endless stream of GB-related questions he doubtlessly receives on a constant basis, wouldn't just doing the film to shut everyone up be the best, most diplomatic thing to do?
He knows he'll enjoy it.
Honestly, if I were him I'd just go ahead and do the damn movie. (*peter)
14 years, 4 months ago
Doctor Venkman;166924
Um… that's very flawed logic you have there.
If Bill Murray passes on, all of the actors would be WAY too old to make a Ghostbusters III, and would probably not be interested in doing something that couldn't bring the whole group back together at such an old age.