Ghostbusters iii script approved!!!

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

Ivo Shandor;166927
I, and presumably you, would like the new movie to feature the original Ghostbusters in some capacity.

But whether the original members are old, young, or dead is ultimately meaningless.

Ghostbusters is an intellectual property. Right now the rights to that property are shared among various entities and/or people. But those people have limited lifespans and in some cases limited financial resources. Eventually they will either die or sell the rights to other companies/people.

What's naive is to believe that those rights will be held hostage by the desires of the current holders.

All I'm stating is this: at SOME point in the future, there will be a Ghostbusters 3. Do you think the company (maybe Sony, maybe not) that owns the rights in 50 years will care whether or not Bill Murray or anyone else “wanted” a sequel?

Ghostbusters as an intellectual property will always exist. It will always have the possibility of making SOMEONE a boatload of money. Eventually, rights will be exercised and a third movie will be made. What's so hard to understand about that?

Now, whether that will happen in 50 years or in 2 years, THAT'S the debate. I'd like Bill to come on board and have the original actors and writers participate in GB3.

But if that's not possible, the 3rd movie will still be made, guaranteed. It will just have to wait. To disagree with this is to disagree with basic economics.

The third movie is not guaranteed. I'm sorry to burst your little bubble, but its not inevitable, its not definite, its possible.

In 50 years, why would they make a sequel to a 75 year old movie? When has that EVER happened? They might remake Ghostbusters, sure. I'm not denying that there are possibilities. But to act as if there will 100%, “guaranteed” be a Ghostbusters III at some point in the future, that's not only naive, its immature, its unrealistic, and frankly, its sad. Its not a realistic viewpoint of the world, kid. Yes, Ghostbusters is an intellectual property that can make a lot of money, you're not telling anyone anything we don't already know. Yes, it can make money. Its also ridiculous to say that there will be a sequel to a movie, regardless of when it happens. Go ahead and find me several examples of movies that had sequels made to them 50 years after their original release. I guarantee you're not going to find multiple examples, because it doesn't happen.

Ghostbusters III is on a good track towards being made soon, though, so this is kind of a pointless argument. You're just making some completely asinine points that really make no sense whatsoever, while trying to make the rest of us sound like we're being naive, which is the complete opposite of the situation.

by ivoshandor1

14 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;166928
You're just making some completely asinine points that really make no sense whatsoever, while trying to make the rest of us sound like we're being naive, which is the complete opposite of the situation.

You're the one using insults (“asinine”) and disrespectful language (“kid”…how old are you, btw?).

And the reason no sequels have been made for old movies is because the modern blockbuster didn't exist before the 70s (Jaws) and especially the 80s.

As we have seen in the wave of “re-imaginings” of 80s & 90s premises, todays intellectual properties will be continually recycled. As for movies comparable to GB, any chance you're going to be in line for the 30 year old Tron movie sequel this December?

I'm not going to react to your insults by sinking to your level. You're just wrong.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

Ivo Shandor;166929
You're the one using insults (“asinine”) and disrespectful language (“kid”…how old are you, btw?).

And the reason no sequels have been made for old movies is because the modern blockbuster didn't exist before the 70s (Jaws) and especially the 80s.

As we have seen in the wave of “re-imaginings” of 80s & 90s premises, todays intellectual properties will be continually recycled. As for movies comparable to GB, any chance you're going to be in line for the 30 year old Tron movie sequel this December?

I'm not going to react to your insults by sinking to your level. You're just wrong.

I'm not wrong, and I wasn't being insulting. The point that Ghostbusters III will happen NO MATTER WHAT is asinine. The movie is not a definite. To act like it is is acting childish, hence “kid”.

You came up with 1 movie that has had a sequel made after 30 years. None after 50, like you claim Ghostbusters is good enough to do. Intellectual properties being reimagined and recycled is very different from you saying that Ghostbusters III (a sequel) will absolutely 100% guaranteed happen. That is not a reimagining, that is a sequel.

Your logic is flawed, incorrect, naive, and immature. Those are the facts here. Not that Ghostbusters III will be made, just cuz you say so.

You can say I'm wrong all you want. It doesn't make it so. Have a good day, I'm done arguing with someone who has such flawed logic. You're almost as bad as Patrick.

by Kingpin

14 years, 4 months ago

Ivo Shandor;166923
Why in the world do they think George Lucas's opinion matters in the least? In 20, 30, 40, 50 years, the people and/or companies who own the rights to Star Wars will make more movies. I guarantee it, simple economics.

I don't know, George is in the pretty unique set of circumstances where he retains the creative rights to his creation. If he says no, they can't make any more Star Wars movies.

Of course it's rather moot, as he's said he plans to make a new trilogy set after the events of the original trilogy.

Ivo Shandor;166927
But those people have limited lifespans and in some cases limited financial resources. Eventually they will either die or sell the rights to other companies/people.

The likelihood is the rights would go to/return to Sony, rather than some competing studio, and as we've seen, even though Sony is happy to exploit the Ghostbusters property at their leisure, there's been plenty of times when even it didn't pursue production of a third movie over the past decade.

Saying that it's inevitable due to “economics” doesn't make it true, and there's still a healthy chance the movie could still not see the light of day. There've been plenty of productions that have been far along, only to fail… even the current production of The Hobbit ran the risk of not being made.

by ivoshandor1

14 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;166930
I'm not wrong, You can say I'm wrong all you want. It doesn't make it so. Have a good day, I'm done arguing with someone who has such flawed logic. You're almost as bad as Patrick.

Sounds like someone isn't used to being challenged.

I don't post here much. Who are you, the big fish in the little pond?

Ok, take your ball and go home.

When I'm sitting in a theater watching GB3, I'll think of you.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

Ivo Shandor;166932
Sounds like someone isn't used to being challenged.

I don't post here much. Who are you, the big fish in the little pond?

Ok, take your ball and go home.

When I'm sitting in a theater watching GB3, I'll think of you.

Not a big fish at all, and I actually get challenged on a daily basis, so it doesn't bother me. Nice assumption though.

Glad to know I've made such an impact on you that you'll be thinking of me when watching GBIII rather than watching something that you've waited over 20 years for. That's some impact to make on someone in just one morning. Man, that's an accomplishment. Guess I stepped up to that challenge!

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

Saying that it's inevitable due to “economics” doesn't make it true, and there's still a healthy chance the movie could still not see the light of day. There've been plenty of productions that have been far along, only to fail… even the current production of The Hobbit ran the risk of not being made.

Don't challenge him Ben… you might make him angry. And you wouldn't like him… when he's angry.

Plus, he knows economics. And this is an inevitability. Its guaranteed man. Buy your tickets now!

by ivoshandor1

14 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;166933
Not a big fish at all, and I actually get challenged on a daily basis, so it doesn't bother me. Nice assumption though.

Hey, I was just getting started challenging you. You're the one who said you wanted to end the argument, not me.

And I didn't “assume” you don't like being challenged. I said it “sounds like” you don't like being challenged. I will, however, assume you can understand the difference.

Doctor Venkman;166933
Glad to know I've made such an impact on you that you'll be thinking of me when watching GBIII

Maybe momentarily. And yes, debating this with you has been the most amusing thing to happen this morning. What can I say? Slow day.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

Ivo Shandor;166935
Maybe momentarily. And yes, debating this with you has been the most amusing thing to happen this morning. What can I say? Slow day.

And that joke was funnier when I used it two posts ago, lol. Still glad to know you'll be thinking of me though. It just warms my heart to touch a stranger's life so deeply that they would think of me, even for a moment, rather than concentrate on something they've waited the majority of their life for. Then again, it is a guarantee that this movie will happen, so I'm sure you don't need to concentrate on it. After all, you should be busy concentrating on how many more sequels are inevitable and guaranteed, since the Ghostbusters franchise can make money, and you know so much about economics.

And no, I'm not still arguing, I'm bored, and you're hilariously entertaining that even after you said you're not going to respond to me, you kept on… very funny indeed. Note I'm not continuing any argument, I'm just making fun of the fact that you keep acting like I'm such a jerk for pointing out the numerous fallacies in your posts that Ghostbusters III is guaranteed, when no movie is such. Its ridiculous, and more things than economics come into play. I disagreed with you, and you took it personally and started acting like a child, that's not my problem.

You'll note no one has come to your defense. That's because we're all smart enough to know that this is not a definite movie, by any stretch of the imagination. Except in your (and Patrick's) mind. We're all excited, as you should be as well. But spewing nonsense about the movie being guaranteed and acting like a know-it-all, sorry, but most people aren't going to tolerate being called naive as if you know better because you took an economics course and somehow think that makes you an expert on the subject of film production.

by ivoshandor1

14 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;166936
even after you said you're not going to respond to me, you kept on… very funny indeed.

When did I say I wasn't going to respond to you? Are you seeing things?

Dude, you're the one who said he was ending the argument and going home. I've got nothing better to do today, I can respond until the cows come home!

Doctor Venkman;166936
You'll note no one has come to your defense.

Who cares? The day I need “defenders” to deal with the likes of you is the day I hang up my mouse and quit message boards forever.