Ghostbusters iii script approved!!!

by Kingpin

14 years, 4 months ago

Civility, please… go play a few levels of Ghostbusters: The Video Game and blow a lot of stuff up.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

Ivo Shandor;166939
Who cares? The day I need “defenders” to deal with the likes of you is the day I hang up my mouse and quit message boards forever.

Didn't imply you needed defense from me. Implied that no one agrees with you because your point is stupid and very wrong. Sorry, that should've been clear.

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;166936

Ivo Shandor;166939

Seriously guys is this what we've been reduced to?

I mean lately it's either an argument about how GBIII isn't happening, or it's an argument with someone about semantics, or a disagreement that turns into an all out circle of nothing that takes up a bunch of pages in a topic that becomes convuluted.

Honestly guys, I was thinking that joining these boards would be a way to join other Ghostheads to share ideas and actually discuss the films that I adore so much.

All I tend to find here is bickering and a bunch of cynical people arguing with each other about nothing. Seriously…most threads in here just become that.

by theling

14 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;166925
…He wants it to be good, and we, as fans, need to respect that.

Agreed completely.
Well, we'll know soon enough.

….All I tend to find here is bickering and a bunch of cynical people arguing with each other about nothing. Seriously…most threads in here just become that.

I have a feeling the atmosphere will change if/when the film is officially greenlit… discussions about 'what the film might be' should generally be more enjoyable than 'if the film might be.'

Civility, please… go play a few levels of Ghostbusters: The Video Game and blow a lot of stuff up.

Not to count our slimers before they're busted… but if this film is greenlit we are certainly looking at a GBTVG2; and that would be even better than being hit by a spectral locomotive!

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

Seriously guys is this what we've been reduced to?

I mean lately it's either an argument about how GBIII isn't happening, or it's an argument with someone about semantics, or a disagreement that turns into an all out circle of nothing that takes up a bunch of pages in a topic that becomes convuluted.

Honestly guys, I was thinking that joining these boards would be a way to join other Ghostheads to share ideas and actually discuss the films that I adore so much.

All I tend to find here is bickering and a bunch of cynical people arguing with each other about nothing. Seriously…most threads in here just become that.

For the people who have been here as long as I have, believe me, the annoying people who sit here and incessantly say that Ghostbusters III is happening no matter what, and act like they know so much, when really, they're just making nothing but assumptions, trust me… it gets ridiculously annoying. You can only listen to this garbage so many times before you get sick of it.

by ivoshandor1

14 years, 4 months ago

Seriously guys is this what we've been reduced to?

I mean lately it's either an argument about how GBIII isn't happening, or it's an argument with someone about semantics, or a disagreement that turns into an all out circle of nothing that takes up a bunch of pages in a topic that becomes convuluted.

Honestly guys, I was thinking that joining these boards would be a way to join other Ghostheads to share ideas and actually discuss the films that I adore so much.

All I tend to find here is bickering and a bunch of cynical people arguing with each other about nothing. Seriously…most threads in here just become that.

You have a point. I apologize for my part in adding to it.

Doctor Venkman;166944
For the people who have been here as long as I have

Not continuing the argument, but just like to point out that I've been here just as long as you have, so the superior tone isn't appreciated. I tend to lurk more than post.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 4 months ago

slow down! hold your horses
now take five deep breaths (PAUSE) (PAUSE) (PAUSE) (PAUSE) (PAUSE)
feel better? dont make me separate you to

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

Ivo Shandor;166953
Not continuing the argument, but just like to point out that I've been here just as long as you have, so the superior tone isn't appreciated. I tend to lurk more than post.

And not continuing the argument, but I obviously meant actively posting for as long as I have. If you mainly lurk, then the continuous posts aren't as obvious and annoying. And its not a superior tone, so there's nothing to not appreciate. Quit trying to turn this into something I didn't say. Its a fact. I've been here long, and when you've been here as long as I have an experienced so many people coming in and nonsensically acting as if they are somehow smarter because they “know” this movie will happen, it gets annoying. Its a fact. Its not to say its not annoying to others as well, its saying that I've dealt with it more, and find it more annoying.

Let it go, dude.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 4 months ago

There is no guarantee that Ghostbusters 3 will happen and that's a fact. There is no guarantee for any movie really.

by devilmanozzy1

14 years, 4 months ago

Ivo Shandor;166953
You have a point. I apologize for my part in adding to it.

Not continuing the argument, but just like to point out that I've been here just as long as you have, so the superior tone isn't appreciated. I tend to lurk more than post.

Watch it man, those are fighting words. Anyways, anyone that has been around these forums for more than a few years is critical of any “GBIII confirmed” as they should be. This has been going on since 1997. Some of these rumors are over 10 years old, and the noobies keep bringing them back up. God damn the kids need to do some research before posting this stuff.