Ghostbusters III script review!!

by Dr_V

22 years, 5 months ago

Yo Guys, check this craziness out! I just stopped by Right on the front page, there's a link for a review of the ghostbusters III script. Now this is about 10:30pm my time, and the link doesn't work yet, so I can't read the article. The other articles have dead links, too. But the link is there, and it should probably be up in the morning! Check it out!

Ben “Dr. V”

by venkmanfan49

22 years, 5 months ago

The page is open I went and checked it out. And let me tell you guys this…..I'm sorry but I love Ghostbusters and everything about Ghostbusters, But the GB3 first draft that Akroyd wrote is really really AWFUL! I'm sorry but go check the site out and read the summary for yourself, im sure youll be just as dissapointed as I was, I dont mean to burst anyones bubbles(because I had a big one myself) but before this movie is ever made Akroyd and Ramis are gonna have to do some work. Period. End of Story. Go read the article, its worth it just to read.

Sorry Guys and Gals,

by spangler13

22 years, 5 months ago

The script review is good, I wish that he would post a link to the real script. Hey maybe it will end up on Ebay.

by Maverick

22 years, 5 months ago

oh well, good news is i have a cool nickname on irc now!


i mean..
