Ghostbusters III will be big oneday

by EnglishGhostbusterFan

18 years, 9 months ago

Ghostbusters III is the Film that we all Dream will be released,And I think it will be released oneday.

Its too big of a story too just forget about.I hope that oneday we can hear the Words “Ghostbusters III too be made”

The Ghostbuster Films are my Favourited Films,and the story of the Ghostbusters going to Hell would be an exciting Film too Watch,and would make Millions of dollars and Pounds.

I hope the Petition that we Signed will come to good use.

by heslimedme251

18 years, 9 months ago

well it's been too long to really be plausible, but hey you can always hope. i on the other hand am just happy with what we have.

oh and please edit your message so all the “TOO”s are their correct “TO” spelling! am i nitpicking? heh. (*peter)

by EnglishGhostbusterFan

18 years, 9 months ago

Yeah a bit :-O

Yeah I am happy with what we have but it would be such a great feeling to watch Number III.

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 9 months ago

Hope.. it keeps us believing. That someday that the film will come to be.


by secrecyguy

18 years, 9 months ago

I mention this at another web site. I think it is possible that we will see Ghostbusters 3.

Since Hank Braxtan made Freddy vs. Ghostbusters, that was the most talk about fan made film.

If the “Return of the Ghostbusters” end up being a big hit on the Internet and the most talk about movie on the Internet, Sony may take a 2nd look at it and may decide to make a sequel.

by Mr.Sta-Puft

18 years, 9 months ago

would it possibly help if we just slam (in a good way) sony w/ e-mail stating we want a GBIII? And/or post the link to Freedy vs. GB so they can watch it because maby they havent seen it

by bubbles13

18 years, 9 months ago

The way Hollywood is today. I would have my hopes high for GB3. There are way too many sequeals and remakes of movies way worse that GB3. Its just a matter of time that Sony sees that.

by Kingpin

18 years, 9 months ago

would it possibly help if we just slam (in a good way) sony w/ e-mail stating we want a GBIII? And/or post the link to Freedy vs. GB so they can watch it because maby they havent seen it

It's doubtful it'd yeild anything that so many previous attempts haven't already yeilded…

And knowing their shrewd sence for supposedly keeping track of the boards, they probably already know well enough about Hank Braxtan and Freddy Vs Ghostbusters.