by SpecterHarness

21 years, 10 months ago

Sherman, I have an idea. If you ever create a website, you could have an artist make a representation of each CEO of the franchises together on one picture. It would add a much needed “family” touch vacant in GBI. LOL

by Sinister

21 years, 10 months ago

Hmm, well GBUK should be applying soon… we just need a website and I am currently talking with Ghostbuster-x…

by Sinister

21 years, 10 months ago

You mentioned that there are two divisions, rehular and extreme. Does this then mean that extreme divisions can be formed…

by ShermanTully

21 years, 10 months ago

Mr.Sinister. “Extreme Divisons” are nothing more than divisons. As I noted before the Divison from 1997 “Extreme Ghostbusters” was a GB Inc divison so under that accord we have Extreme Divisons.

by Sinister

21 years, 10 months ago

Thankyou for clearing that up Mr Tully, I was referring to the use of extreme equipment, and lacksture uniform, so it seems like a yes. Thanks for answering

by Sinister

21 years, 10 months ago

Division Name: Ghostbusters U.K.
Division Specialty(If Applicable): Paranormal disturbances in the U.K.
Division CEO: Iain Bennett
Division Members: Iain Bennett, Tommy Simpson, Ben King (Senior), Euan Sinclair
CEO Email:

Personal Specialities:

Iain Bennett aka Sinister: Demonic Activity, & Aircraft Handling
Tommy Simpson aka Ghostbuster-X: Ghosts, & Mechanics
Ben King (Senior) aka Kingpin: Spirit Photography & Ghost Catalouging
Euan Sinclair aka Peter Bo: Intern, interests in monsters.

by Ludicris

21 years, 10 months ago

My team would like to apply to Ghostbusters Inc., heres our information:

Team Name: Ghostbusters:West Coast Division (name may change, but thats the name for now)
Division CEO: Ludicris
Division Members:
2)Ray Parker Jr.
3)Borzou 99
6)Peter Kong
8)Egon 901
9)Specter Harness
CEO Email:


by Sis_of_ETGB

21 years, 10 months ago

Well, on the note of the extreme division. I don't know if you all remember but the ETGB storyline ended with Legacy, 3 years later a new ETGB came around called X-Squad according to him and we want to apply…

ETGB: X-Squad
(specialty? trained by ETGB)

Ceo: Saundra Rosenbalm

Members: Saundra Rosenbalm
William Cornett
Andy Braden
Rebecca Burnett

by Dr.Loomis

21 years, 10 months ago

Okay, I posted earlier on the subject of whether or not the Monstersquad could make it as a franchise. I do think, if its possilble, that the fanfic series can become a sub-division of GB Inc. Most of the below is based on Iain's regsitration form.

Division Name: Ghostbusters Monstersquad

Division Specialty: Researchers, Detectives, and Exterminators of the strange and unkown world of corporeal and undead beings. The “wrecking crew” of every GB team (“wrecking crew” meaning that when the GB teams are busy, citizens may call the Monstersquad)

Division CEO: Doctor Loomis

Division Email.: (also I.M.)

Division Members and Personal Specialties:
Ernie Macdonald–Occultist, cryptozoologist.

Raymond Harrison–Amatuer detective and cryptozologist. Father was Professor Abraham Harrison, monster hunter (deceased).

Zachary Kong (nicknamed Zack or is called King)–Tough guy.

Gary Valentine–Ectoplasmic expert and a noted source on monsters.

A website is currently in the works.

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey since this was never brought up…since its cartoon franchises does that mean we all have to have different uniforms ie like the RGBs or can we all have tan