Ghostbusters International 2005

by gjustis1

20 years, 1 month ago

Not sure how many over here are into the whole franchise thing, but I thought I'd throw this out there…..

In my charge as the current Director of Marketing and Public Relations over at Ghostbusters International, I've been asked to show ya'll this little vid we've put together for our Winter 2005 recruitment drive:

If anyone around these parts is interested in joining GBI or starting a new franchise, feel free to PM myself or head over to our website:

We've got big-time stuff happening lately over at GBI; drop by and take a look.

by spookbuster1

20 years, 1 month ago

Looks interesting, but I live on the east coast, so sorry. Nice video/slideshow. That's a good cover of the song as well. Those jumpsuit/mini-skirts are crazy!

by gjustis1

20 years, 1 month ago

Hey man…'re from SC, eh? We've got franchises all across the country, so if there are none already in your area, if you're into it, perhaps you could start your own…

Thanks, glad you dig the getups….it's all part of the gig. lol

by spookbuster1

20 years, 1 month ago

Ha, I would love to start a franchise here. I wish I wasn't always so busy though, plus I don't know any other fans. Maybe some day…

by ghostbusterben

20 years ago

Can guys from the UK join?

by gjustis1

20 years ago

Heck yes…..since it's Ghostbusters International, we welcome groups from all over the world. Drop me a PM and let me know your interest - -

by missygirl8520001

20 years ago

Hey that site looks very nice1 Keep up the great work and I might join one day. (*ray) (*peter)

by spengs1

19 years, 11 months ago

All: Thanks for the questions and comments on/about Ghostbusters International®.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Richard Roy, (Spengs to a lot of ghostheads for years) the Director Of Ghostbusting Operations for GBI. I'm also the webmaster of the site.

If any of you want to join GBI or have more questions, send an email my way. I'll do my best to help you out, that's part of why I do this GBI thing.

I also encourage you to check out the GBI site. The site is going through some design and content changes. However if you look at the Join section, it will explain how you become a member of GBI.

If you don't have a staff of 3, 4, or more, no problem. You can be one of our F.A.s (Field Agents). That is also explained on the site, by ghostbusting pioneer, Dr. Stantz no less!

In case you're wondering why Mr. GJustis posted this topic, he's a friend and also the Director of Marketing and Public Relations.