Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by batman2

18 years ago

I've got another EXTRA for you to add to your list.

It is taken from a special programme here in the U.K. which looked at the Top 50 Comedies of all time.

Ghostbusters - Top 50 Comedies

Clip Details:-

File : 41 MB (41 MB), duration: 0:02:55, type: AVI, 1 audio stream(s), quality: 85 %
Video : 37 MB, 1776 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 640*480 (4:3), XVID = XVID Mpeg-4
Audio : 4.00 MB, 192 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, 0x55 = MPEG Layer-3

I do have another version which is even higher quality that I will upload later.


by AtomicPurple

18 years ago

I had 4 new Divx encodes ready to go. Then I decided to experiment with The Grundel with XviD/two pass. What a HUGE difference in quality the codec makes. I couldn't believe the clarity I got from this one.

As far as I'm concerned Divx is crap. If you ever need to encode anything, go with XviD.

As for the other episodes, I'm going to re-encode them.

Anyway, here's “The Grundel”:

The Real Ghostbusters - 3x10 - The Grundel - 209 MB

by batman2

18 years ago

I had 4 new Divx encodes ready to go. Then I decided to experiment with The Grundel with XviD/two pass. What a HUGE difference in quality the codec makes. I couldn't believe the clarity I got from this one.

As far as I'm concerned Divx is crap. If you ever need to encode anything, go with XviD.

As for the other episodes, I'm going to re-encode them.

Anyway, here's “The Grundel”:

The Real Ghostbusters - 3x10 - The Grundel - 209 MB

I encode all my stuff in Xvid 2 pass as well, did you know there is a setting in Auto GordianKnot if you are encoding a cartoon.
I think you press ctrl + F9 if I remember right.

by AtomicPurple

18 years ago

I encode all my stuff in Xvid 2 pass as well, did you know there is a setting in Auto GordianKnot if you are encoding a cartoon.
I think you press ctrl + F9 if I remember right.

I haven't tried AGK.

I've been using VirtualDub-Mpeg2 for Divx. But, it seemed to want to sometimes crash on the second pass when I tried to encode to Xvid, so I switched to VirtualDubMod and haven't had problems since.

More episodes uploaded:

The Real Ghostbusters – 03x05 – Once Upon A Slime - 209 MB

Slimer! - E02 - Nothing To Sneeze At - 69 MB

Slimer! - E03 - Mouse In The House - 67 MB

Slimer! - E16 - Dr. Strangedog - 68 MB

These are all from the original run on ABC. There are a few minor tape rolls (I guess that's the term) towards the end of Dr. Strangedog. Maybe only 3 or 4. Not too big of a deal. The RGB episode is better quality in my opinion than that of the Slimer! episodes. Probably because of the tapes they were on. But, I think that they look OK for nearly 20 year old tapes.


by Kingpin

18 years ago

The RGB episode is better quality in my opinion than that of the Slimer! episodes

Heh, well, that goes without saying. :p

by batman2

18 years ago

I encode all my stuff in Xvid 2 pass as well, did you know there is a setting in Auto GordianKnot if you are encoding a cartoon.
I think you press ctrl + F9 if I remember right.

I haven't tried AGK.

I've been using VirtualDub-Mpeg2 for Divx. But, it seemed to want to sometimes crash on the second pass when I tried to encode to Xvid, so I switched to VirtualDubMod and haven't had problems since.

More episodes uploaded:

The Real Ghostbusters – 03x05 – Once Upon A Slime - 209 MB

Slimer! - E02 - Nothing To Sneeze At - 69 MB

Slimer! - E03 - Mouse In The House - 67 MB

Slimer! - E16 - Dr. Strangedog - 68 MB

These are all from the original run on ABC. There are a few minor tape rolls (I guess that's the term) towards the end of Dr. Strangedog. Maybe only 3 or 4. Not too big of a deal. The RGB episode is better quality in my opinion than that of the Slimer! episodes. Probably because of the tapes they were on. But, I think that they look OK for nearly 20 year old tapes.


AGK uses Virtual Dub Mod, but really simplyfies the prcoess for you, but with great results.

by AtomicPurple

18 years ago

The RGB episode is better quality in my opinion than that of the Slimer! episodes

Heh, well, that goes without saying. :p

Even out of context, that's still correct.

by doctorvenkman1

18 years ago

Any idea when you'll get the last 6 RGB episodes up? I'm just wondering for my own knowledge really.

Episodes 17, 28, 73, 78, 83, and 99 aren't up yet, or at least they don't have links. The sooner they're up the better! Along with the rest of EGB!

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

Doctor Venkman
Any idea when you'll get the last 6 RGB episodes up? I'm just wondering for my own knowledge really.

Episodes 17, 28, 73, 78, 83, and 99 aren't up yet, or at least they don't have links. The sooner they're up the better! Along with the rest of EGB!

I will admit to being a bit lazy recently, I've been being a dirty fansubber

by doctorvenkman1

18 years ago

Also, episode 110 will not download for me… am I the only one having this problem?