Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by TheSpeculator

18 years ago

Doctor Venkman
Also, episode 110 will not download for me… am I the only one having this problem?
Must be a common prob of the server, just wait a few hrs and try again.

By the way, is it possible to host EGB episodes 32, 33 & 34 again? Many thanks!

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

Doctor Venkman
Also, episode 110 will not download for me… am I the only one having this problem?
Must be a common prob of the server, just wait a few hrs and try again.

By the way, is it possible to host EGB episodes 32, 33 & 34 again? Many thanks!

Oh bollocks, this board likes to randomly delete sections of posts (;_

I'll redo them now.

EDIT: If someone would like to take over the job of making this thread look pretty, please let me know (*peter)

by TheTaskmaster

18 years ago

Well, if someone does report it, Sony should take it as a sign that this franchise is still in popular demand. Ionly have space for a few RGB episodes so I will chose wisely for now. Great work!

by Kingpin

18 years ago

Well, if someone does report it, Sony should take it as a sign that this franchise is still in popular demand. Ionly have space for a few RGB episodes so I will chose wisely for now. Great work!

Unless you download one season, burn it to CD or VCD, delete it from your hard drive and then start on the next one.

by doctorvenkman1

18 years ago

Am I the only one who isn't able to download right now? All day today any download I start won't move above 0%…

by Kingpin

18 years ago

Odd, I had no trouble… other than one download timing out yesterday.

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

They can time out because you reach the download limit of 500mb(or 1GB?) per day. Try using their toolbar (*peter)

by doctorvenkman1

18 years ago

It was really weird, it wouldn't download on my desktop… the download just stayed at 0%, but it worked with my laptop. Very odd. I still can't get episode 110 to work, and I've had others try it for me as well. It just keeps going back to the beginning and making you type in the code… there was another episode doing this in Season 3, I think episode 89 maybe… I'm just excited that I'm almost finished downloading episodes for RGB, then its on to EGB, then making my own DVDs and plopping myself in front of my TV for hours on end to reminisce about my childhood. Really man, thanks so much for doing this. This is something I've wanted for a really long time, and my birthday is coming up too, so its a nice gift.

by TheSpeculator

18 years ago

Doctor Venkman
It was really weird, it wouldn't download on my desktop… the download just stayed at 0%, but it worked with my laptop.

Heh sounds familiar to me, it loads better sometimes when i change from the pc to the laptop, and vice versa.

Great, ive got all the available EGB episodes, slowly enjoying while waiting for the others. Bustin' makes me feel good!

by 9sam11

18 years ago

PLEASE put these all into 1 big pack. Id love you lol.