Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by wesyeed1

17 years, 11 months ago

PLEASE put these all into 1 big pack. Id love you lol.

Do you have any idea how long such a file would take to download?! It'd be an absolute nightmare! :-O

Now winzipping/winraring some of the larger files, such as those in Season 2 would be nice if it were possible… they unfortunately clock in at around four hours on my broadband connection (this is not having a go at anyone).

better then downloading each and every single one manually

Have you ever waited an entire week for ONE 50mb EP of rgb to download off kazaa?

(*rant) (*rant) (*rant) Well I have. So I see no reason to complain about this much faster method we have to trade shows nowadays…

by VinnyC

17 years, 11 months ago

Right at the end of episode 82, “The Boogie Man Is Back”, the episode ends. The junior ghostbusters have just brought the proton-packs to the Real Ghostbusters, and the episode cuts off! NOOOOO! I've downloaded it twice!! I'll never see what happens!!

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 11 months ago

PLEASE put these all into 1 big pack. Id love you lol.

Do you have any idea how long such a file would take to download?! It'd be an absolute nightmare! :-O

Now winzipping/winraring some of the larger files, such as those in Season 2 would be nice if it were possible… they unfortunately clock in at around four hours on my broadband connection (this is not having a go at anyone).

better then downloading each and every single one manually

Have you ever waited an entire week for ONE 50mb EP of rgb to download off kazaa?

(*rant) (*rant) (*rant) Well I have. So I see no reason to complain about this much faster method we have to trade shows nowadays…

I don't think people know how much hard work has gone into making these files even available, Weyseed is one of those guys so everyone thank him (*peter)

As for zipping and raring them, you would only save around one megabtye, if that. Plus throw in the time to compress each one and it's really not worth the time involved.

As for the Boogie Man episode, I'll redownload it and upload it again.

by AtomicPurple

17 years, 11 months ago

I noticed that the intro for the EGB eps is different than usual. The first few seconds are cut off (where “Ghostbusters' scrolls across the screen), and the section where ”Ghostbusters" is spelled out a letter at a time is missing. Does anyone know why this is?

There used to be far less commercials in the world.

If something is not captured from the original broadcast, it most likely has been edited to fit in more commercials. If they edited the intro and outro, I would call that a good sign. It means they left more of the actual episode in tact that they could have cut to make room.

Have you ever waited an entire week for ONE 50mb EP of rgb to download off kazaa?

I remember those days, waiting on dial-up to download one of the 5 to 10 episodes available on napster, kazaa or some other file sharing client. Then having the episode disappear and never be seen again after getting to 90%.

We also had to walk 5 miles in the snow to get our episodes…


by AtomicPurple

17 years, 11 months ago

I don't know if shuuyu has re-uploaded the Bogeyman episode yet. But I was planning to upload my capture with the rest after I finished encoding a few more.

But, here it is ahead of time:

The Real Ghostbusters - 03x04 - The Bogeyman is Back

If shuuyu wants to take over and repost any of my links to some of the stuff not posted (Slimer!, etc), or anything he thinks is worthwhile, I don't mind.
I think Bigupload links last about as long as Megaupload. As long as they're downloaded once in a while, they don't go away.

P.S to Doctor Venkman: It's a few pages back now, but I did post a link to
episode 83, if you missed it.

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

Trust me maskedshuuyu, you won my eternal grattitude when you uploaded The Collect Call of Cathulhu.

AtomicPurple: Yeah, my money's on that as well… cutting the intro to save time… they snipped a small section out of RGB's intro as well… the cut can be seen on some of the uploads and goes from after Ecto-1 leaves the Firehouse to where the guys are zapping and trapping the ghosts.

by TechRat

17 years, 11 months ago

I noticed that the intro for the EGB eps is different than usual. The first few seconds are cut off (where “Ghostbusters' scrolls across the screen), and the section where ”Ghostbusters" is spelled out a letter at a time is missing. Does anyone know why this is?

There used to be far less commercials in the world.

If something is not captured from the original broadcast, it most likely has been edited to fit in more commercials. If they edited the intro and outro, I would call that a good sign. It means they left more of the actual episode in tact that they could have cut to make room.

That sounds likely. I just thought it was suspicious that they only chose to cut the parts where the word “Ghostbusters” appears on the screen. Almost like there was another reason; maybe some kind of legal reason. After all, if they were making cuts for time, wouldn't it make sense to cut a larger portion, like how they did with the RGB intro?

by AtomicPurple

17 years, 11 months ago

That's a good theory. Filmation could have influenced them to take out any references to “Ghostbusters”, since there was no word before it. If so, they must have missed it the first time around or perhaps it could be a UK legal thing. I didn't notice anything else missing from the intro.

After watching my copy of Darkness at Noon 1 at the same time with the Toon Disney one, oddly enough, there are less than 10 seconds worth of cuts in the episode. They only removed one of Eduardo's lines and about a second's worth of Egon zapping a ghost. Not so bad.

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 11 months ago

That's a good theory. Filmation could have influenced them to take out any references to “Ghostbusters”, since there was no word before it. If so, they must have missed it the first time around or perhaps it could be a UK legal thing. I didn't notice anything else missing from the intro.

After watching my copy of Darkness at Noon 1 at the same time with the Toon Disney one, oddly enough, there are less than 10 seconds worth of cuts in the episode. They only removed one of Eduardo's lines and about a second's worth of Egon zapping a ghost. Not so bad.

I noticed this with the Toon Disney episode in Back In the Saddle when Garret makes a joke about his legs, which I think is in reponse to something Winston says, that they seemed to cut. I thought the line was pretty funny.

Captain Steel Saves The Day is up.

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

I doubt the removal of ‘Ghostbusters’ here would be related to Filmation, it was never cut when it first aired on Citv and, well… I think it was probably just done for time… as odd as it is.