Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by doctorvenkman1

17 years, 11 months ago

Yea, I found it odd myself… Hey is anyone else having a problem with “Who're You Calling Two Dimensional?”… when I load it into my DVD program, it loses its sound. Any chance someone could convert it to mpeg for me and make sure it keeps it sound and then send it to me? It would be greatly appreciated.

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 11 months ago

Aw, my beauitful pictures in my thread are mostly gone

Um, yeah, I've been quite busy with Uni work and Fansubbing recently, so I haven't had the time to completely finish this thread (which I may make into a website when I time in the Summer). I'm currently 150 miles away from my computer for the next week so I won't be able to upload anything more, but I will defintely sort out the last few episodes (one of my Data DVDs was corrupt so I had to redownoad quite a few episodes)

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

Understood, maskedshuuyu… hope everything goes well on the stuff you're doing Easter and wish you luck with the rest of the download material when you return to it.

by doctorvenkman1

17 years, 11 months ago

Can't wait to get that last RGB episode I need… I've started making DVDs of them and I found a way to make it so that all of the episodes will fit onto just 8 discs, with menus and everything! I'm going to have Season 1 on its own disc, 4 discs for Season 2, 1 disc for Season 3 and 4 together, 1 disc for Season 5, and 1 disc for Seasons 6 and 7 together. I'm really excited about this. Here are some screenshots from my menus if you guys would like to see how they're turning out, and no I'm not selling them, so please don't ask…

The red squares around the scenes and lettering only appear when that individual item is selected. I love this program I got for doing this stuff. If anyone is interested, its called AVS Video Converter. It allows you to make your own menus and convert to lots of different file types. It only cost me $30 too!

by wesyeed1

17 years, 11 months ago

If anyone's curious, I just discovered not long ago that Divx, the media format these episodes are encoded in, can be played in some of the newest dvd players out there. Just look for one with the Divx logo. All you'd have to do then, is burn the episodes to a normal dvd and they'll be playable just as any other dvd would be.

I've also been able to play some episodes in this cheap dvd player/recorder I bought at target called trutech. It was a hell of a cool surprise to see it be able to play in that cheap piece of garbage, so maybe the dvd player you already have can do it… ya just need to try it out first.

by doctorvenkman1

17 years, 10 months ago

Any update on when to expect the rest of the EGB stuff? I just finished making my RGB discs… only have the EGB ones left to do to have my complete set of Ghostbusters cartoons!

by TheSpeculator

17 years, 10 months ago

I'm hoping to complete the rest of the EGB too, cmon cmon cmon! heh

by LastStraw

17 years, 10 months ago

Indeed! E-G-B! E-G-B! On with the Megaupload madness!

by spengs1

17 years, 10 months ago

If you don't care that the episodes I offer (1-10 for our purposes here?) of EGB didn't air on Disney and may not be as hi res (although, they are fine to me) as the episodes, masked x uploaded, you can download XGB episodes from the GBI site.

The episodes came from Fusi0n, don't forget the originator!

*edit* Removed link to EGB page.

by LastStraw

17 years, 10 months ago

You've got the link wrong there, one “a” missing:

Thanks though! I'll personally have a look at them at the very least