Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

In return I can upload something I found on a VHS tape, it's called “Slimer wouldn't do that!” and is a making-of presented by Rolf Harris! You get to see episodes being made and Frank Welker (I think?) doing his Slimer voice! :-) Need to get it copied into the computer, probably at the weekend… Has anyone seen / uploaded this before?

Holy crap! You have it? Both parts?

I used to have the first part on tape and heard from a member here that it was a two parter, the first part was broadcasted on TV whilst the second was something people could order.

I remember vividly that they showed the production of Return of the Ghost Master, which featured a dialogue session with Frank Welker and Maurice LaMarche and even featured the test animatics for that particular scene which had Egon and Ray discussing the situation on the steps of the New York Public Library.

I would upload the episode, but I just tried to do so on Megaupload and the estimated time to full upload is five and a half hours…

by peeeeeeet

17 years, 7 months ago

Ah, I don't know about two parts. I just copied it to DVD so I can rip it and it's about 20 mins long - there is a bit with Lamarche and Welker recording as Egon and Ray, plus a bit with Welker as Slimer brushing his teeth! They show them drawing and photographing the cells. Ramis, Reitman and Aykroyd are interviewed too. Was hoping to see JMS interviewed but I guessed he'd moved on by then.

If there's a second part I don't have it I'm afraid. (*ray)

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

By the time that episode was made Staczynski had left the show full time as he didn't want any part in it being dragged down hill by the execs…

But being able to see any of it after so long would be awesome.

by EJSpengler

17 years, 7 months ago

Hey there. I'm kinda new here and first of all, I would like to say thank you for taking your time in uploading these episodes. When youtube removed all of the EXGB and RGB episodes, I thought I would never find them again and now here they are.

I just love both of these shows. They helped flex my creative muscles and prompt me to write fanfiction. They cheer me up whenever I felt down and now I can enjoy them as much as I want.

By the way, I noticed you are missing some EXGB episodes and most of them are my favorites. The ones that are missing are:

Slimer's Sacrifice
The Unseen
Home is Where the Horror Is
Casting the Runes
The Infernal Machine

Oh! I didn't realize I can make requests, though. Well, submit this as a request and I thank you very much as an Extreme Ghostbusters fan for going through all the trouble.

by peeeeeeet

17 years, 7 months ago

Hi Guys

Here's the file I mentioned - Slimer Won't Do That - The Making of the Real Ghostbusters.

Enjoy! :-)

by missygirl8520001

17 years, 7 months ago

Sweet! Thanks for posting this for us! I'm already watching it! (*ray)

by newrecruit1

17 years, 6 months ago

I was wondering, what's the “gold” episodes I realy must see in both EGB and RGB.

By the way, isn't there a part 3 after the first two episodes of EGB?

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

I was wondering, what's the “gold” episodes I realy must see in both EGB and RGB.

By the way, isn't there a part 3 after the first two episodes of EGB?

Nope, XGB never had a three-parter… all of it's stories that were longer than one episode were two-parters.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 6 months ago

By the way, “loose screw” has only like 9minutes on it.
It's a strange episode considering that the RGB always throw their trap everywhere like a baseball ball, maybe “FisherPrice” made the trap for this episode :p

“Loose screw” and “The haunting of heck house” are very entertaining. And “the making of RGB” is very educative about the hard work needed to create animations. Something, I think, we forget a bit quickly, hypnotize in front of a toon show.

“The spirit of Aunt Lois” is very close to the spirit of the movie. It feels like if it came from the first season but it's not. I say that because Janine still call Venkman “professor Venkman” and Egon explain to Peter that Slimer can be a Nobel prize for them.

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

“The spirit of Aunt Lois” is very close to the spirit of the movie. It feels like if it came from the first season but it's not. I say that because Janine still call Venkman “professor Venkman” and Egon explain to Peter that Slimer can be a Nobel prize for them.

'Doctor Venkman', not ‘professor’.