Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by newrecruit1

17 years, 6 months ago

Looks like you had time to kill

I now know how you got that score of 5895 posts :p

by moobyghost

17 years, 6 months ago

Has anyone ever found a really good digital copy of Ghostfight at the O.k. Corral?

I love that episode and would like to see it in better shape than crappy vhs quality.

by TheSpeculator

17 years, 6 months ago

Im starting to get realllly worried, maybe we'll nv see the light of the remaining EGB episodes ..

by newrecruit1

17 years, 6 months ago

Now that I saw “RGB, the making”, listened at Akroyd speaking about his uncommon experiences, and thinking about our time with all its frightening products, I like to put on the GB idea the concept: “to one thing, another comes to complete it”; I like to think that, because the big screen was going to give us unnecessary violence and horror, in a world already in confusion, an idea - Dan's idea - was “made” to help the children, like Harold said, at finding confidence in themselves. Giving them psychological tools to “burn” the stress that the media gives. For Dan, it was only an idea about supernatural. But the results were leading to this consequence. I'm sure there's many other ideas that can tag along; I wonder what the civilisation had during its past evolution.

I was also surprised that the translation in english of the frightened state of mind of a child, in front of the unknown - like the dark, the closet, the basement, etc - was considered “fear of the supernatural”. Or maybe it was Harold's way of speaking. In my personal opinion, it doesn't fit to only a state of “natural perception”; in the mix of ideas put in relation, the young person experiences what his imagination is capable of while being fooled by his own perception/emotions. That is far from telepathy, visions, spirit communication, healing ability, etc. In general, a child's fear and perception about supernatural or the unknown come from the culture. And that can later lead the adult into a bad perception of reality.

I don't like the church but I think they're right when they are against the publicity of supernatural phenomenons. Led by their own truth, to much people enters in a world of confusion where many fell victims of its mysteries/illusions/paranoia. The darkage is full of stories in exemple… and some people would like to return into that time. Sheesh!

by moobyghost

17 years, 6 months ago

Now that I saw “RGB, the making”, listened at Akroyd speaking about his uncommon experiences, and thinking about our time with all its frightening products, I like to put on the GB idea the concept: “to one thing, another comes to complete it”; I like to think that, because the big screen was going to give us unnecessary violence and horror, in a world already in confusion, an idea - Dan's idea - was “made” to help the children, like Harold said, at finding confidence in themselves. Giving them psychological tools to “burn” the stress that the media gives. For Dan, it was only an idea about supernatural. But the results were leading to this consequence. I'm sure there's many other ideas that can tag along; I wonder what the civilisation had during its past evolution.

I was also surprised that the translation in english of the frightened state of mind of a child, in front of the unknown - like the dark, the closet, the basement, etc - was considered “fear of the supernatural”. Or maybe it was Harold's way of speaking. In my personal opinion, it doesn't fit to only a state of “natural perception”; in the mix of ideas put in relation, the young person experiences what his imagination is capable of while being fooled by his own perception/emotions. That is far from telepathy, visions, spirit communication, healing ability, etc. In general, a child's fear and perception about supernatural or the unknown come from the culture. And that can later lead the adult into a bad perception of reality.

I don't like the church but I think they're right when they are against the publicity of supernatural phenomenons. Led by their own truth, to much people enters in a world of confusion where many fell victims of its mysteries/illusions/paranoia. The darkage is full of stories in exemple… and some people would like to return into that time. Sheesh!

What are you talking about? Some type of interview or something?

by newrecruit1

17 years, 6 months ago

Only my thoughts after watching :

It was posted by: peeeeeeet

Hi Guys

Here's the file I mentioned - Slimer Won't Do That - The Making of the Real Ghostbusters.


I said it in the beginning of my message.

by EJSpengler

17 years, 6 months ago

I noticed that one of the Ghostbusters episode was deleted which was “Who're You Calling One Dimensional?” Unfortunately, somebody must've reported it and I wished they hadn't done that. This goes to show you that Sony really need to get their rear in gear and release a set instead of us having to download this stuff. It'll start giving our computers tummy-aches if we download this many episodes.

Edit: It is not just that episode, unfortunately “A Fright at the Opera” is also missing too and several episodes of the Extreme Ghostbusters. It looks we may have to stick with the episodes that are available.

Edit 2.0: Looks like it was my internet connection. Blast it. Although the file with “Who're You Calling One Dimensional?” still doesn't work.

by wayshway

17 years, 6 months ago

I have every Fox Family episode that was aired that I taped on VHS on SP mode. I also recorded every XGB episode on SP mode as well.

I'm using some of the downloads here as well as the official UK & US retail releases to make the best DVD set possible.

I'll only be using 5 episodes per DVD for the best quality. I not into that compression stuff. (lol)

I'll be putting these in the correct production order.
I also have a ton cels I'll be using for menus.

Here's a sample.

I've done 3 DVD's so far.

Just thought I'd share. (^_^)

Disc One
1. Knock Knock (from UK retail DVD)
2. Station Identification (from my Fox Family VHS tape SP mode)
3. Play Them Ragtime Boos (from my magic windows VHS)
4. Sea Fright (from UK retail DVD)
5. The Spirit Of Aunt Lois (from UK retail DVD)

Disc Two
6. Cry Uncle (from European airing no logo)
7. Adventures In Slime And Space (from US retail DVD)
8. Night Game (from US retail DVD)
9. Venkman's Ghost Repellers (from UK retail DVD)
10. The Old College Spirit (from European airing Jetix logo)

Disc 3
11. Ain't NASA Sarily So (from European airing Jetix logo)
12. Who're You Calling Two Dimensional? (my Fox Family VHS SP mode)
13. A Fright At The Opera (from European airing no logo)
14. Doctor, Doctor (from European airing Jetix logo)
15. Ghost Busted (from UK retail DVD)

Take care

by andy_2_cool

17 years, 6 months ago

Can anyone help me find some large pictures of The Real Ghostbusters.
I would like some for backrounds on menu's for my own DVD


by Cosmic-Riptide

17 years, 5 months ago

I huge “thank you” to maskedshuuyu and the contributors to this thread!

I've been slowly making my way through the downloads for a few weeks now (thank God for 80gig hard drives) and enjoying every second (I've been humming a lot of the RGB background tunes for days).

As mentioned, RGB #22 “Who're You Calling Two-Dimensional?” seems to be either a bad link, or the file has been taken down.

And has anyone else had any problems with #73 “The Devil in the Deep” and #78 “Transylvanian Homesick Blues”? Despite my best efforts I can't get the sound to play…