Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by Kingpin

17 years, 5 months ago

Not that I've been hugely inconvenienced by it, but as a note the uploaded version of The Halloween Door was missing the “Boogaloo's Back in Town” sequence following Crowley breaking the Halloween Pact, and appear to suffer from desynchronisation of the audio and visuals in the latter half of the episode.

Masked, you're asking for a copy of Once Upon a Slime, correct? (This was one of the episodes missing from my collection).

by EJSpengler

17 years, 5 months ago

That's funny. It's either my computer is high-tech or the episode that you mentioned, The Devil in the Deep, works just fine. The sound is terrific. I think it could just be the program, Cosmic. All of my episodes work just fine.

I noticed that the colors on episode 17 are not good so I'm glad to hear that you are working on it, maskedshuuyu. And on “Who're You Calling Two Dimensional”.

I also want to thank you so MUCH for getting the rest of the Extreme Ghostbusters updated as well.

That really means alot.

by Cosmic-Riptide

17 years, 5 months ago

EJ Spengler
That's funny. It's either my computer is high-tech or the episode that you mentioned, The Devil in the Deep, works just fine. The sound is terrific. I think it could just be the program, Cosmic. All of my episodes work just fine.

Maybe the two episodes do work fine for everyone else EJ, I don't know. But the fact remains that I have downloaded all of the available episodes up to #96 (minus the eight I have on DVD), and out of all of those episodes only two don't have sound when I play them (#73 & #78).

That tells me that there's something different about those two files… and that difference is the problem.

They are the only two episodes thus far upload by “Shunt” so, if these files are working fine for others, the problem is most likely codec related.

The problem is (as already mentioned) neither my computer nor I can find the proper codec (online or otherwise).

Suggestions would be helpful.

EDIT - On a whim I tried playing both files on my back-up system today and they ran fine (i.e. the sound worked).

That confirms that the problem lies with my primary system and not the files. Of course, both systems are running the exact same software… so I'm still in the dark as to what's causing the problem.

by weepel

17 years, 5 months ago

Hi, first I want to say thank you very much for putting these up. I've been downloading them like crazy. THanks.

I also wanted to ask if you knew what the problem was with “The Man Who Never Reached Home”. It's a different message than the one you get when you try to download season 2's episode 9. I've been trying to download it but it says that the file is temporarily unavailable. Thanks.

Edit - Nevermind. I just tried it again a couple hours later and it works. Thanks anyway for all of these episodes.


by Cosmic-Riptide

17 years, 4 months ago

Episode #109 “Venk-Man!” seems to be down (“This file has expired due to inactivity”).

by wwfjph

17 years, 4 months ago

The Real Ghostbusters Episode 22's link isn't working.

by importtuner760

17 years, 4 months ago

Are ALL 140 of the RGBs up?

by the_Newguy

17 years, 4 months ago

(*peter) hi, newguy here.

I DL'd the poultryguiest ep 94 but when i played it on my windows Mplayer, i only got sound, not video. any ideas?

by importtuner760

17 years, 4 months ago

look for an xvid codec. FREE and you just download it and install.

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 4 months ago

Here are some I uploaded which I will update the front page with soon:

EGB- 05
EGB- 06