Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by importtuner760

17 years, 4 months ago

Here are a list of RGB episodes that arent working for me….

-The Boogyman is back

- Future Tense

- Deja Boo

- Afterlife In The Fast Lane

- My Left Fang

- Guess What's Coming To Dinner

- Stay Tooned

- busters in toyland.

Do you think you can reup these? For some reason these ones only play audio and no video file.

by EJSpengler

17 years, 4 months ago

I just check my files and I believe importtuner760 is right. They're just in audio and not as video.

by containmentunit1

17 years, 4 months ago

Ok smarta$$ I was being sarcastic with that last message I wrote :-) . I hope to see the video with the audio for that episode, Hows that sound?

by LightningFox

17 years, 4 months ago

First and foremost, thank you sooo much for taking the time to upload all of these episodes for everyone to enjoy. I really, really appreciate it!

If you have a chance, could you please check the link to The Extreme Ghostbusters episode 36- Heart of Darkness? I've downloaded it twice but it seems to be linked to a Real Ghostbusters episode.


by Kingpin

17 years, 4 months ago

Here are a list of RGB episodes that arent working for me….

-The Boogyman is back

- Future Tense

- Deja Boo

- Afterlife In The Fast Lane

- My Left Fang

- Guess What's Coming To Dinner

- Stay Tooned

- busters in toyland.

Do you think you can reup these? For some reason these ones only play audio and no video file.

EJ Spengler
I just check my files and I believe importtuner760 is right. They're just in audio and not as video.

That isn't an issue with the episodes, the reason why the video isn't being displayed is almost definately down to your copies of Windows Media Player not having the correct codecs to play them. All you have to do is download an updated set and the episodes should play fine.

by weepel

17 years, 4 months ago

That isn't an issue with the episodes, the reason why the video isn't being displayed is almost definately down to your copies of Windows Media Player not having the correct codecs to play them. All you have to do is download an updated set and the episodes should play fine.

You're right about the Codec problem. That is why these aren't playing properly for most people. The Boogyman is back episode is another story I think. Whenever I try to open it I get an error and the program wont' even open.

With the other files if you are having trouble watching, you should look at the bottom left hand corner of windows media player. It usually says Connecting, Sending for Codec and then will usually say Error downloading Codec. At least that way you'll know what the problem is.

by fome

17 years, 4 months ago

you can install the K-Lite mega codec pack which contains every imaginable codec… you can even view Quick Time files using WMP…

by EJSpengler

17 years, 4 months ago

You know what? I checked those files and you guys were absolutely right. The movie file I use is something called “Real Player” so it might not have been updated, but it worked on Windows Media Player. I must've updated Windows Media Player somehow. Maybe a long time ago.

I think Real Player just needs another upgrade so that it work properly in that file otherwise I'll stick to Windows Media player meanwhile.

Otherwise, thanks for the help guys. I'll get back to you on the “The Boogeyman Is Back” part.

It's hard not to say “Returns” without it, eh?

by denied30

17 years, 4 months ago

does anybody have the Venk-Man episode? The link is dead due to inactivity.

by matthew1

17 years, 3 months ago

Please put the Slimer episodes up!

I'd also like it if someone put up Elmer Bernsteins score.

Maybe one day Shuki Levys score will be up but I doubt it.

There were also quite a few more toy ads of the real ghostbusters as well as other ads for ghostbusters products which could be put up on here.

I also remember an episode of cilla blacks surprise surprise where she fixed it for some kid to see how the real ghostbusters marvel comics were made. it was aired the same week that the very first edition was in shops!

It would be great to have a complete library of everything on here.