Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 3 months ago

Everything non episodey that I have is now online, I have no more rare stuff

However, here's

Boogeyman is back

by containmentunit1

17 years, 3 months ago

Does anyone have Follow That Hease? Im trying to download it and the link has expired due to inactivity.Any help will be appreciated

by IBNXuFasch

17 years, 3 months ago

I just wanted to extend my thanks for making these available. This year really brought me back to Ghostbusters and a big part of that is owed to your generous machinations.

Cheers to all who were involved in putting this together.



by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 3 months ago

containment unit1
Does anyone have Follow That Hease? Im trying to download it and the link has expired due to inactivity.Any help will be appreciated

Reuploaded for ya:

Considering now the list is complete or near enough, everyone just post if a link goes down or they have new material to share and I'll update accordingly

EDIT: I am thinking of uploading the comics… if I can get ahold of any. I was thinking of hosting any GB games, but I'm not sure if the mods here will allow it. It's up to them if thye want me to or not however.

by TimTheTerrorDog

17 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for this. I just watched the halloween door. Havnt seen that in years. Didnt it originally air as a primetime special one halloween? I seem to remember the main bad guy in that episode walkin down the street singing a song…. was that cut from this usa airing or something?

by DocFritz

17 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for this. I just watched the halloween door. Havnt seen that in years. Didnt it originally air as a primetime special one halloween?

Yeah. I think it was the Sunday before Halloween 1989

I seem to remember the main bad guy in that episode walkin down the street singing a song…. was that cut from this usa airing or something?

I remember that too. “Boogaloo's Back In Town” or something like that. Maybe, like you said, it was cut from the broadcast that was uploaded. But hey, it was for a good reason–it was so the network could shove in more commericals. :-)

by denied30

17 years, 3 months ago

nice job maskedshuuyu… anybody find a better version of somethings going around?… it starts messing up somewhere in the middle and then has no sound for about a minute after.

by EJSpengler

17 years, 3 months ago

I just want to extend my thanks to maskedshuuyu for pulling alot of effort into uploading all of these episodes for us. This is some of the best quality of the Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters I've ever seen.

I also want to take note that there were imagery problems with “Captain Steel Saves the Day”. The color is a little bit…I don't know how to describe the word but I think “fuzzy” is appropiate.

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 3 months ago

EJ Spengler
I also want to take note that there were imagery problems with “Captain Steel Saves the Day”. The color is a little bit…I don't know how to describe the word but I think “fuzzy” is appropiate.

This is the actual encode I'm afraid, sorry

by EJSpengler

17 years, 3 months ago

Ah, that's alright. *pats* I'll live.