Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 10 months ago

what i dont get is, why wouldent they put all the deleted scenes onto blu ray, for both films. Have a complete ghostbusters Archive! I mean, at this point, its unlikely we will get more, maby a few games, but thats about it, why cant we see what they cut out! I always find that stuff instering

by Kingpin

16 years, 10 months ago

Who's saying they aren't?

That said, not everything that's cut out was interesting, the ‘bums’ scene from the first film was pretty pointless as was the staircase scene at Weaver Hall.

by hed1

16 years, 10 months ago

This is amazing, incredible, and awesome. Thank you.

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 10 months ago

well pointless or not its still instering to watch, esp with me being a film student, i like to know why they cut it and there reasoning

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 10 months ago

well pointless or not its still instering to watch

No one said they weren't. But it was pretty obvious as to why the cut some of the scenes out. The bum scene as Ben mentioned, served no real purpose. Although Murray and Aykroyd were pretty funny there, the scene would of deprived too much from the plot.

by Kingpin

16 years, 10 months ago

i like to know why they cut it and there reasoning

Unfortunately this is one of those instances where there isn't a cast/director commentary explaining why a scene was dropped so chances are we'll never know why those scenes were cut from the movie. n We can only make an educated guess as Peter said.

by proto78

16 years, 9 months ago

I really, no, WE really appreciate you tireless efforts in bringing us the best in ghosbuster entertainment. However, Season 3, Episode 4's The Boogieman's Back, has a corrupted file whenever I download it. It also just happens t be my favorite episode! :-(

by TheTaskmaster

16 years, 9 months ago

I have already gone through most of these episodes and appreciate what you have done for us. Thank you.

I did recently discover one error. When I downloaded Heart of Darkness it turned out to be Who Are You Calling Two-Dimensional?

by Arafel

16 years, 9 months ago

Thanks so much to the OP for the uploads - it must have taken forever. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 9 months ago

can you up load any fan films? also are there any EGB fan films?