Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by Kingpin

16 years ago

Just a head's up.. all the dvds have been ripped and are available on usenet. Look in December or January.


Truth be told, back when we didn't have any DVD release other than the two taster volumes released in the UK, and the three in the US and there was no sign that we'd ever get a full episode release, I was more then happy to both allow the links to download the episodes be posted here, and even download them myself.

But now that the cheaper volumes that will be released throughout the year will be out soon, I really don't think there's any excuse now for people to not be able to get them… and I don't think links to episodes ripped directly from the Time Life set should be posted.

by Gareee

16 years ago

Actually, having my wife watch some of them has encouraged her to actually want the set now.

Also, they have delayed the partial sets, and with the economy the way it is, I wouldn't be surprised if we never saw the partials completely released.

An excellent example is the Disney Cartoon Gargoyles.. the first few volumes didn't sell enough nunbers, so they cancelled the rest of the series.

If someone really enjoys RGB, they'll buy the set. Some people, like my wife, disremember the quality of the original series, and once they watch 10 episodes are so, get hooked.

We do that a lot.. download tv series, watch them, decide they really are worth having for rewatching, and then buy the boxed dvd sets.

We just purchased x-files, charmed, moonlighting, and wild wild west, even though we'd already downloaded the majority or all of those series.

Since EGB isn't available in any other form, I'm trying to grab them now, but getting them one downoad at a time is taking forever.

by Gareee

16 years ago

VERY cool! Thanks MUCH!

by Yehome

15 years, 11 months ago

Not a Megadownload link but one to download the C3 advert music for free.
Thus, it's legal.
It's a remix made by Streetlife DJs.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 11 months ago

I emailed Andy Mangels, and two things are not currently planned:
Extreme Ghostbusters to his knowledge is not getting a dvd release, and that errors on season 5 with respect to speed are not being fixed as to him it is it. Thought I'd pass this along on the thread. Personally, the rest of the links to other episodes seem pointless and counter productive.

by luedog9000

15 years, 11 months ago

i was wondering if anyone was going to rip the episodes off the new ghostbusters dvd's and place them on a download thread for people who cannot afford to buy the boxed sets of the ghostbusters

by Kingpin

15 years, 11 months ago

i was wondering if anyone was going to rip the episodes off the new ghostbusters dvd's and place them on a download thread for people who cannot afford to buy the boxed sets of the ghostbusters

I would strongly advise against any such idea.

It was one thing when we didn't have the DVDs and only had the internet or old VHS copies to rely on, but with the big set out and the smaller volumes slowly being released there is no more need for a online collection.

by Gareee

15 years, 11 months ago

And actually they were posted on usenet right after the set was released, but you don;t get any of the extras as all, or the promo episodes exclusive.

The quality on them is OK, but no where near as clean as the dvds were.

The set is even $35 off right now, costing less then $20 per season!