Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by doctorvenkman1

18 years ago

This is just freaking awesome. As long as I stay on top of this I should be able to get every episode and then just make my own discs and say screw you Sony!

That is until there are real sets. I will of course support GB if the actual sets get put out. Thanks for putting these up man. I managed to get my first 4 episodes tonight. Now I gotta wait 9 hours til I can download more…. Oh well, in the morning it is!

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

On a side note, I will be removing these if official box sets are released. Support legit RGB people

by Ectoman57

18 years ago

On a side note, I will be removing these if official box sets are released. Support legit RGB people

HELL YA!!!!!!!

on a side note……WHERES MY RAG TIME BOOS?????????? im having withdrawal symptoms, LOL

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

On a side note, I will be removing these if official box sets are released. Support legit RGB people

HELL YA!!!!!!!

on a side note……WHERES MY RAG TIME BOOS?????????? im having withdrawal symptoms, LOL

Can't be bothered to edit it in yet

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

On a side note, I will be removing these if official box sets are released. Support legit RGB people

Yeah, definitely. I'd still buy them. But chances look bleak though.

by fome

18 years ago

let's hope they do release them… that and a GB2 with special features…

by Ectoman57

18 years ago

On a side note, I will be removing these if official box sets are released. Support legit RGB people

HELL YA!!!!!!!

on a side note……WHERES MY RAG TIME BOOS?????????? im having withdrawal symptoms, LOL

Can't be bothered to edit it in yet

Thank you (*peter)

by TheSpeculator

18 years ago

Great job Maskedshuuyu! I honestly thank you what you're doing, just a little request: Cld u upload them on a different server? .Megaupload keeps telling me “download exceeded” no matter when i try. Sendspace may be a better alternative if possible. Really appreciate it buddy!

EDIT: Oh well i reread the thread and saw that Spengs actually joined as a premium member to get the files. And speaking of that, megaupload is miraculously working for me. Very very rare. Hopefully Spengs can host these on Ghostbusters International heh

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

When the links are first put on mehaupload, there seems to be a somewhat delay before you can get them, hence why I'm holding some links back for a day or two. Check the FAQ on megaupload for the rules.

Four episodes to download a day isn't too bad.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years ago

This really is awesome MaskedShuuyu! Thanks so much. If I may make one request; the sooner you upload “Bustman's Holiday” the better.