Ghostbusters MEGADOWNLOAD thread

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

Quite an update on episodes. I think there's only about 10 RGB episodes left that aren't up. On a side note, Back in the Saddle Part 1 & 2 are up.

by doctorvenkman1

18 years ago

Quite an update on episodes. I think there's only about 10 RGB episodes left that aren't up. On a side note, Back in the Saddle Part 1 & 2 are up.

Awesome job man. I'm loving this. It's great to get to see these episodes again. I can't wait to have the whole set. FYI, I just did a quick count, there are 19 RGB episodes that aren't up yet. Thanks again!

by TheSpeculator

18 years ago

Just checking, is anyone having problems downloading The Haunting of Heck House (Ep 124)? Seems to be missing a file from Megaupload.

by Kingpin

18 years ago

Just checking, is anyone having problems downloading The Haunting of Heck House (Ep 124)? Seems to be missing a file from Megaupload.

I've noticed a few times that I get the message that the file isn't available, it will be back just give it a few hours.

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

It's the downside of being to host files on a free server.

by TheSpeculator

18 years ago

Lol, thanks for fixin' that! At least its free heh

by Highwind

18 years ago

Yo guys!
Lately I've been downloading every RGB episode that I could found, but there's always some episodes missing in each season.
In the third season my Poiltergaist (right spellt?) episode is just 10 minutes.
the other 10 mins are missing, making me really pissed.
Do you know where I can get this episode? And where I can get the other seasons?
I've been looking all over but no more results then the first 4 seasons.

Damn I'm so glad that I found this forum, at first, I thought it was dead here, since it was founded ‘96.

I’m even intrested in starting to actually make a Ecto-1, but I'm having a hardtime finding the right model. (don't remember model-name atm.)

Anyway, it's good to be here.

If anyone wants to fill me in if there will be a GB 3 movie and which actors will play, please give me a PM.

Take care y'all!

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

All the episodes are here… (near enough anyway).

EGB #25-40 are up and ready to go (*peter)

by Kingpin

18 years ago

As a minor note, it looks like the original encoding of Something's Going Around had a slight hiccup as part of the audio from when we first see Venkman at Janine's apartment drops out for a few minutes.

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

As a minor note, it looks like the original encoding of Something's Going Around had a slight hiccup as part of the audio from when we first see Venkman at Janine's apartment drops out for a few minutes.

Hmm, I have yet to watch most of them ot be honest, I'll check mine and reupload it.