Ghostbusters Message Board Redesign (INPUT ENCOURAGED)

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

Mhh, bigger space for avatar?

In the section “pm”, “profile” etc of a member, an icon leading to its personal archives or an icon leading to its personal GB creation?

Ebay presents an “automatic images scrollbar” in its lower pages sometimes, why not add the same concept on the forum's homepage; people will see a slideshow about fans creations and discover how much the movie is popular.

Some flash animations?

by JohnnySparks

16 years, 8 months ago

Is it possible to make a heading that changes everytime you view a page? It'll keep the board fresh everytime! Or perhaps have some sort of daily quote in the heading.

by mdp872105

16 years, 8 months ago

I really like the simplicity of the website and hope after the redesign it will be just as user friendly. The current theme on the board is real dull I think the board needs more color. Something similar to what you done with the open page its clean and easy read.

Now onto my ideas. I agree with Bativac the caution tape would be nice touch as long as there's not too much of it to distract you maybe as side image up and down the left side.

The background color currently is dull and boring. I think that a dark blue almost a black would be nice and give the board a little something.

The top image really doesn't need too much really needs an update. The title looks good it just needs to be bigger and in the foreground of a image from the movie maybe the scene where there closing the gate or maybe the scene where ecto 1 is first leaving the fire house. Shot maybe you could do a slide show in this fashion.

The post cells them selves don't need to change too much the white and light gray works real well, but the title bars need to change color the color scheme just reminds me of and old computer like a windows 95 or 98. It needs to have more cool and up to date colors like a xp, vista or mac computer. Maybe a black with a white lettering with the letters being larger and bolder the current ones are so small and then they almost blend in.

But the final decision is yours I think I speak for all the fans when I say thank you for the board and thank you for the time you are putting into it to get it up to date. I've done a little web designing my self and I know its not always easy or fast. So once again thank you for the board and your time and effort your putting into it.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

Like I suggested, something like having the option to choose your board style like on this site;

Although it would probably be very hard that would be to code (I have no doubts on that), it would to be cool to choose board veiwing styles. Ghostbusters, The Real Ghostbusters tradtional, etc.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

An ignore feature would just be awesome.

The ability to split topics would be good.

Limits on the number of emoticons than can be used per post. I'm pretty sure PHPBB3 has this. Some people just get retarded with these damned emoticons.

Image size limitation. Also limitations for amount of images per post that aren't thumbnailed.

And i'm a fan of this scheme.

if not, then use the theme ya got with the blog. That's nice.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 8 months ago

Can you make a special button on the index page that will activate and launch all of America's nuclear deterrents?

I found a perfect targeting system:

Everyone reading this should haul ass to Montana ASAP.

by Kingpin

16 years, 8 months ago

I must admit I'm against limiting the number of images in a post or making people have to thumbnail them if they were over a predetermined size from the standpoint that it'd make having display a large number of reference pictures even harder to display online. Having things remain as they are now might cause a minor inconvenience for some, but if it gets problematic the Mods can simply edit a person's post and cut down the number of images, and there hasn't really been enough to suggest we need such restrictions put into action.

I know from my own experience as well as that from others that it's irritating to have to click on every single thumbnail if there's several dozen images just so I can save the full size image of each thumbnail. It also means if someone's doing a poster of their story or team, if it's over a certain size then it has to be thumbnailed, defeating the point of it… and that was a decision I didn't like when it was implemented on Troy's board.

And if the number of images were limited, it'd make something like the collation of Firehouse images for a Firehouse model project on Proptopia pretty much impossible.

I'm also against increasing the size allocation for avatars, they're perfectly fine at the size allocation they're at now.

And as it stands, there already is a Split Topic option, but it's reserved for Moderators and Admin only.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

What about an option where the user can fix the timelimit to write a message before being disconnected? Of course, the board will have its own maximum time.

Or what about a fonction that will color any edited phrase?

by hutch2426

16 years, 8 months ago

Has anybody mentioned some type of chatting with different topics. I would imagine it would bring alot more traffic through the boards, but could backfire in the end considering whats be happening the last couple days! (^_^)

by Kingpin

16 years, 8 months ago

There's the Chat Room, for as much use that thing ever sees.