Ghostbusters Minimates

by Dr.D

16 years ago

Now, I may be wrong, but isn't there some event mattel mentioned this weekend. I seem to recall saying there would be prototypes show at NYCC and another event. Am I wrong?

by rodie1

16 years ago

Toyfair… is that this weekend?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

I believe it is… if it isn't its soon. Cuz they said it would be in February as well. I'd bet they'll just show the same ones though.

by RoyKarrde

16 years ago

It is actually going on right now! And because of that there are already pictures out of the minimates!

More pics can be found here.

by Dr.D

16 years ago

Shit,someone call Ectofiend, the patches are on the wrong arms!

by Kingpin

16 years ago

Actually, they're on both. I'll take the liberty and retitle this to be the Minimates thread.

I'm even half tempted to merge all the toy threads and just title it “New Ghostbusters toys”. Any thoughts on that idea? Or do you prefer separate topics?

by CrashOV

16 years ago

Actually, they're on both. I'll take the liberty and retitle this to be the Minimates thread.

I'm even half tempted to merge all the toy threads and just title it “New Ghostbusters toys”. Any thoughts on that idea? Or do you prefer separate topics?

I preffer the seperate threads as the minimates and action figures to me are completely different. But I am only just stating my personal oppinion. I'm glad that so many products are coming out this year of ghostbusters, it's like i'm a kid again. Though I dont understand the excitement for these minimates that much. But I'm happy for those who want them.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Interesting…. I def see a Louis figure in the background there. Looks kinda cool. I'll pick them up if they aren't that expensive.

by PirateQueen

16 years ago

The Minimate-ized poster is simply adorable. I hope that comes in some form with the figures.

by faerfaron

16 years ago

Ah want these. They look shiny and shiny things attract mah attention. Those packs look friggin' sweet. Mah dreams are less detailed than these things (that's a lie but Ah won't subject y'all to that li'l bit o' terror. Ah'd like to point out the one thing the world seems to forget about Minimates. The most important thing. They're pocket sized. Think about it. Y'all can take your dreams on the go. You can literally carry an entire world of Ghostbustin' adventure in your pants!

Hmm….you know, if what Ah just said seems wrong to you then yer mind is even further in the gutter than mine and Ah live in Philadelphia. Ba-zing.

But seriously these things are awesome….and injected with more pizazz than any other Ghostbusters toy we have even had the pleasure of being subjected to.