Ghostbusters Minimates

by BradRedfield

15 years, 9 months ago

I was counting non-repackaged figures (like the Egon in TRU wave 1 and the others in TRU wave 2), which is why my count was 32.

by GuruAskew

15 years, 9 months ago

There's usually a slight variation, especially in a line like this where they don't even need to re-tool, they can just put a new tampo on there with a different facial expression, etc. Whether or not they're truly identical or different (slightly or otherwise) will be hard to tell until the figures are in-hand, or at least until packaged pictures are available for all the figures.

by BradRedfield

15 years, 9 months ago

True, most of these have to still be in the prototype stage.

I'm still wondering what happened with that string that was supposed to connect the pack to the wand. Its not in any of the promo pictures and its difficult to tell from the packaging pictures.

Maybe it was scrapped?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Well this is great! The second wave comes in September, so that spreads out the purchases. And, they're available to pre-order (the TRU exclusives) on… I've just pre-ordered all of Series 1, since I don't have a Toys R Us in my area.

Now, the only thing I'm worried about is the Mattel figures!

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Brad Redfield;145249
True, most of these have to still be in the prototype stage.

I'm still wondering what happened with that string that was supposed to connect the pack to the wand. Its not in any of the promo pictures and its difficult to tell from the packaging pictures.

Maybe it was scrapped?

I think you can see it to the left of Egon's leg in the 4-pack packaging pictures.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Technically, we may be looking at 37 figures, depending on whether you call the clip-on Terror Dog in the first 4-pack its own figure. Here is the comprehensive list so far of every one we know about:

People (14 different + 4 repeats)
- Egon (in the 1st 4-pack and the 2-pack with Library Ghost)
- Lab Coat Egon
- Peter (in the 1st 4-pack and the 2-pack with Energized Terror Dog)
- GB2 Peter
- Courtroom Peter
- Slimed Peter
- Ray (in the 2nd 4-pack and the 2-pack with Stay Puft)
- GB2 Ray
- Gooey Ray
- Winston (in the 2nd 4-pack and the 2-pack with Taxi Ghost)
- GB2 Winston
- Louis
- GB2 Louis
- Dana

Ghosts (18 different + 1 repeat)
- Gozer
- Stay Puft (in the 2nd 4-pack and the 2-pack with Ray)
- Exploding Stay Puft
- Angry Stay Puft
- Terror Dog
- Clip-on Terror Dog
- Energized Terror Dog
- Library Ghost
- Washington Square Ghost
- Slimer
- Translucent Slimer
- Glow in the dark Slimer
- Taxi Ghost
- Jogger Ghost
- Architect
- Chef
- Azetlor
- Black Slime Monster

Total = 37 (or 36 if you count the clip-on Terror Dog as part of the Louis figure)

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 9 months ago

This is great. Just pre-ordered Series 1 myself. We've got a Toys R Us here, but it's small and I don't trust it. Rather just go ahead and order and not worry about not finding them all. A note for others thinking of pre-ordering though, DOES charge your credit card now for pre-orders, not when they ship.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

This is great. Just pre-ordered Series 1 myself. We've got a Toys R Us here, but it's small and I don't trust it. Rather just go ahead and order and not worry about not finding them all. A note for others thinking of pre-ordering though, DOES charge your credit card now for pre-orders, not when they ship.

That should just be a hold on funds for a couple days actually. Their website says that they charge when it ships. I ordered this morning as well, so I have a hold on funds right now, but in a few days that should be released.

by GBSales

15 years, 9 months ago

Does anyone know if these will be available in Canada, doesnt have them listed (although canada is always way behind) and i want to make sure they will be in canada and not just exclusives….

by Dreamstalker

15 years, 9 months ago has a ship date of 7/12, but Toywiz has a ship date of 6/19 (at least at the time I placed my order). What's the correct street date?