Ghostbusters Minimates


15 years, 9 months ago

I'm getting the same error message.

Sorry guys! I've got it fixed. Please go and cast your vote!

Spread the word, once we get a good number of people I"ll let my contacts at DST see it.

My other fan passion is Batman. I run On that site over the years we have given the fan community a voice and we have effectively changed the face of Batman merchandise in many ways. A lot of toys got made, because we pushed for it as a community. If Ghostheads can come together, we can easily do the same.

by JokerSmells

15 years, 9 months ago

Sounds awesome.

by Dreamstalker

15 years, 9 months ago

Dammit, I only managed to snag two of the Wave 1 2-packs from before they were pulled. Off to the stores I guess…

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 9 months ago

Alright - just got in my pre-orders for the Series 2 Two-packs. I was going to wait on those but since the Series 1 are already sold out - I figured I better go ahead and get my order in.

Like Dr. V said, they don't charge you until they ship. When I ordered Series 1, I thought they had charged me because it showed a pending charge on-line to my account - but that didn't go through at that time. I guess they were simply checking to make sure there was a card to charge on my side of things.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Alright - just got in my pre-orders for the Series 2 Two-packs. I was going to wait on those but since the Series 1 are already sold out - I figured I better go ahead and get my order in.

Like Dr. V said, they don't charge you until they ship. When I ordered Series 1, I thought they had charged me because it showed a pending charge on-line to my account - but that didn't go through at that time. I guess they were simply checking to make sure there was a card to charge on my side of things.

Good call, I'm gonna do this right now too.

EDIT: Done, thanks for the reminder.

by Dreamstalker

15 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for the headsup, just got series 2 locked in as well *is currently kicking self for not getting all of wave 1 at once*

Anyone know around when series 1 is supposed to be in stores? I'm planning to start the hunt next week (I had to bribe the driver in the house with lunch).

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for the headsup, just got series 2 locked in as well *is currently kicking self for not getting all of wave 1 at once*

Anyone know around when series 1 is supposed to be in stores? I'm planning to start the hunt next week (I had to bribe the driver in the house with lunch).

Probably not for a bit. said their expected ship date is July 12th, I believe.

Didn't stop me from checking at the Toys R Us on my way back from a trip this weekend… they only had Terminator 2 Minimates and Wolverine Minimates though. That was my first time seeing Minimates in person though, so it was still kinda cool.

by BradRedfield

15 years, 9 months ago

Got some interesting news regarding the Slimer Edition 4-Pack from Minimate Multiverse. Someone got an e-mail from Amazon saying:

“We're contacting you about your order for the Ghostbusters Slimer Edition video game
bundle #105-2243897-8356269. We wanted to let you know that the items included in the
bundle have changed, and as a result, the price of the bundle has been lowered.

Unfortunately, we recently learned the Minimates we expected to offer in this bundle
aren't available. We're sorry for any disappointment this causes. To help make up for
this change, we've lowered the price of this bundle from $129.99 to $109.99.

This change won't impact our ability to fill your order–the release date is still June
16, and we expect to fulfill your order on time.

Again, we're very sorry for any disappointment this causes. We hope to see you again soon

Either DST/AA didn't have enough mates to put into the sets or they could be possibly selling them separately. (YAY!)

Oh and the Slimer Editions of the games are no longer available to order on Amazon.


15 years, 9 months ago

I will look into that MiniMates thing with DST

My contact there did tell me that the allotment for was VERY small and that the majority of the series one packs will be available in stores so don't fret about finding them.

by Dreamstalker

15 years, 9 months ago

Aha, nice to know that the bulk of the mates will be in stores so I shouldn't be driving myself too crazy(er)…I've been on previous hunts for store exclusives where the situation was the opposite which was not fun.

I got that Amazon email as well. I'm hoping that when those minimates are released they give priority to people that got the bundle.